Model Turbines


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  • #595562
    Turbine Guy

      I added the test results for Tangential Turbine 5 run with the Ameriden 11FS dental ball bearings to the following table. These ball bearings have stainless steel races, ceramic balls, phenolic cages, and are lubricated for life. Since they are lubricated for life, the test results should be more consistent. The previous ball bearing’s friction depended on the amount of oil. If the bearings had more or less than the optimum amount of oil, the friction would increase. I made several runs of Tangential Turbine 5 without changing anything and the results stayed the same using the dental ball bearings.turbine test results 33.jpg

      Turbine Guy

        I noticed that the pressure required to turn the GWS EP 2508 propeller to a speed of 28,000 rpm was slowly getting less than what I found in the tests described in the last post. I kept making runs of Tangential Turbine 5 with the GWS EP 2508 propeller until the pressure required to turn the propeller at 28,000 rpm reached a minimum of 28 psig. This took several runs with the pressure reducing very slightly on each run and then staying very consistent for all runs after the minimum pressure was reached. I updated the table given in the last post as shown below. As can be seen in the following table, the dental ball bearings raised the efficiency significantly over what was obtained using the previous ball bearings.

        turbine test results 34.jpg

        Turbine Guy

          Axial Turbine 3 was intended to be similar to Axial Turbine 3N except use the aluminum Housing 3 SD Gap. I decided to make three versions of Axial Turbine 3. The first version I call Axial Turbine 3A is without a tight clearance between the rotor OD and the housing like Axial Turbine 3N has. The following drawing shows the dimensions of this assembly when the rotor was in the position that gave the best performance. It should be noted that there is a clearance of 0.003” between the set screw collar and the shim washer next to the outer dental ball bearing. For the direction of rotation of Axial Turbine 3, the GWS EP 2508 pushes the rotor in the direction that closes this clearance and reduces the 0.006” shown in the drawing between the face of the rotor and the inner face of the cover to 0.003”. This assembly uses the same dental ball bearings used in the last test of Tangential Turbine 5. Axial Turbine 3B will be identical to Axial Turbine 3A except a sleeve will be added between the housing and the rotor OD to make a tight clearance. My intent is to see how the performance compares with and without the tight clearance. Axial Turbine 3C will be identical to Axial Turbine A except Rotor 5 will have a shroud added. This will allow me to compare the performance of Axial Turbine 3 with an open rotor, tight clearance on the OD of the rotor, and with a shroud added to the rotor. I updated the test sheet shown in the last post to include the test of Axial Turbine 3A and will show it in the next post.

          axial turbine 3a.jpg

          Turbine Guy

            The following test results added the test of Axial Turbine 3A. The dental ball bearings reduced the friction caused by the oil viscosity used in the ball bearings I had been using to a level that allows the performance to be checked with very low energy inputs. The results shown were very repetitive. I made multiple runs and then disassembled Axial Turbine 3A to take some pictures and then reassembled it and made some more runs. The results were almost identical for all the runs, so the dental ball bearings appear to have reached their optimum condition.

            turbine test results 35.jpg

            Turbine Guy

              Since Axial Turbine 3N already had a close clearance between the OD of the rotor and the housing I decided to add a sleeve and the dental bearings to it. The following drawing shows the position of the rotor that got the best performance. I updated the test sheet shown in the 28/04/2022 post adding the test results for Axial Turbine 3N R2 and it will be shown in the next post.

              axial turbine 3n r2.jpg

              Turbine Guy

                The following test results added the test of Axial Turbine 3N R2. I was only able to get the maximum performance in one run. I was in the process of trying different positions of the rotor when I got the lowest pressure required to turn the propeller at a speed of 28,000 rpm. I never was able to get the rotor back in the position that got the best performance. The nylon housing can distort enough when tightening the nuts that press the cover against it to close small gaps. To check if it was a bearing issue, I added the ball bearings back in Axial Turbine 3A. I was able to position the rotor as shown in the 30/04/2022 post very easily and the pressure required to turn the propeller at a speed of 28,000 rpm was a little lower than was shown in the test results of the 30/04/2022 post. I never had an issue with the nylon housing when running the larger gaps needed for the higher pressures.

                turbine test results 36.jpg

                Turbine Guy

                  I figured out a method to account for the compression of the nylon housing when tightening the nuts that hold the cover on and was able to get the rotor in the position shown in the drawing of the 03/05/2022 Post. This position gave me the best performance again. I moved the position of the rotor in tiny increments until I reached the minimum pressure of 18 psig required to turn the GWS EP 2508 propeller to a speed of 28,000 rpm. The required pressure changed from 20.5 psig to 18.0 psig in a total movement of 0.012” and from 19.0 psig to 18.0 psig in the final 0.002” move. This is much too sensitive for being due to space required for the gas to go supersonic since it is almost sonic with the 18.0 psig inlet pressure. This small distance from the face of rotor to the face of the cover probably affects the windage loss the most. Most of my sources say to close the gap between the faces of the rotor to the faces of the cover and housing to the minimum possible. The following test sheet is updated to show the latest test results of Axial Turbine 3N R2. Several runs were made with the 18 psig inlet pressure and the maximum speed was always approximately 28,000 rpm.

                  turbine test results 37.jpg

                  Turbine Guy

                    I added a sleeve in Housing 3 so that I could use the dental ball bearings in Drag Turbine 6B R1 as shown in the following drawing. After adding the sleeve, I added one dental ball bearings to Drag Rotor 6 without any shims to see if it could slide all the way down the shaft until it contacted the rotor. The dental ball bearing had a slight resistance the last bit of travel like expected, but when I tried to pull it back off the shaft, I could not grip the ball bearing tight enough to move it. Without any shims, the face of the ball bearing was tight against the face of the rotor boss so not even a sharp blade could get in between to pry them apart. I finally had to press the rotor off the shaft and then press the ball bearing off the shaft. After adding Loctite and pressing the rotor back on the shaft, and shimming the rotor to the correct position, I tried my first test. The maximum speed was way below what I obtained with the original all metal ball bearings so I must have damaged the dental ball bearing when I tried pulling it off. I ordered some new dental ball bearings and will start testing the Drag Turbines when I receive them.

                    drag turbine 6b r1.jpg

                    Edited By Turbine Guy on 21/05/2022 20:12:51

                    Turbine Guy

                      To solve the problem of gripping the dental ball bearing mentioned in the last post, I turned down the diameter of the boss on Drag Rotor 2 to 0.180”. This is the approximate OD of the shims and is below the ID of the outer race of the dental ball bearings. The assembly drawing for Drag Turbine 4 R1 shown below shows this change and the added sleeve and dental ball bearings.

                      drag turbine 4 r1.jpg

                      Jon Lawes

                        Interesting. I wonder at what speed those dental drill ball bearings give up!

                        John P

                          This may be of some interest for making a high speed machine spindle.



                          Michael Gilligan

                            Many thanks for that link, John P

                            I have downloaded the paper to read whilst I am waiting for my appointment with the dentist this morning.

                            crying 2


                            John P


                              This looks about the same size as the one in the springer link .
                              Good luck!



                              Michael Gilligan

                                That’s probably what it will feel like, John surprise

                                50 min appointment, preparing for a Crown


                                Jon Lawes
                                  Posted by Michael Gilligan on 23/05/2022 10:52:09:

                                  That’s probably what it will feel like, John surprise

                                  50 min appointment, preparing for a Crown


                                  We have gone decimal now and the prices have gone up a fair bit.

                                  Turbine Guy

                                    Thanks for the feedback. I damaged the dental ball bearing by trying to pull it off the rotor shaft by gripping it around its OD. I was in a hurry to try another test and when I couldn’t remove the bearing gripping it with my hands, I tried gripping it with pliers. This was what damaged the dental ball bearing. The dental ball bearing shown below has worked extremely well for my tiny turbines running on air.

                                    Jon Lawes
                                    This dental ball bearing is used in the Star 430 dental handpieces that has a no-load speed of 400,000 rpm and operates at over a 100,000 rpm.

                                    John P
                                    The paper you gave the link for is very interesting and I plan on carefully reading all of it.

                                    dental bearing.jpg

                                    Turbine Guy

                                      Thanks for the feedback. I damaged the dental ball bearing by trying to pull it off the rotor shaft by gripping it around its OD. I was in a hurry to try another test and when I couldn’t remove the bearing gripping it with my hands, I tried gripping it with pliers. This was what damaged the dental ball bearing. The dental ball bearing shown below has worked extremely well for my tiny turbines running on air.

                                      Jon Lawes
                                      This dental ball bearing is used in the Star 430 dental handpieces that has a no-load speed of 400,000 rpm and operates at over a 100,000 rpm.

                                      John P
                                      The paper you gave the link for is very interesting and I plan on carefully reading all of it.

                                      dental bearing.jpg

                                      Michael Gilligan

                                        Posted by Jon Lawes on 23/05/2022 12:23:14:


                                        We have gone decimal now and the prices have gone up a fair bit.


                                        Yes, this one will be £235

                                        … just creeping above the old ‘tooth hurty’ joke


                                        Edited By Michael Gilligan on 23/05/2022 13:52:58

                                        Turbine Guy

                                          I received the new dental ball bearings and tried them in each of my turbines that could use this size. All of the impulse turbines repeated the performance last shown in the 10/05/2022 post within 0.5 psi. My drag turbines performed worse than expected. This was the first time I tried the dental ball bearings in the drag turbines, and I found that the sleeve I added had an ID larger than the sleeves in the impulse turbines. I did all the sleeves the same way, so something must have slipped when I did the sleeve for the drag turbine housing. The oversize ID lets the ball bearings tilt enough to open the gap between the rotor face and the cover and allow too much leakage. I will make a new sleeve for the drag turbine housing and then try testing again.

                                          Turbine Guy

                                            I made a new sleeve for the drag turbine housing and started testing of Drag Turbine 4. I checked the bore of the new sleeve with a dowel pin that has a tolerance of +0.0000”/-0.0002”. The dowel pin required a light force to move into the sleeve without any apparent play. This is probably as close a tolerance as I can get on the sleeve bore and unfortunately the rotor still could tilt slightly in the bearings. I don’t know what the tolerances are on the dental ball bearings, but they appear to have a larger tolerance than the ball bearings I was using for the previous tests of the drag turbines. When I was adding and removing shims to find the optimum shim thickness, something occurred that I can’t understand. Because the maximum rotor speed was very low for each of the rotor positions I tried, I blocked the flow out of the exhaust port while the turbine was running to check for leakage. I expected the turbine to start slowing down and the pressure to go up if there was no leakage. Instead, the turbine speed went up. The maximum speed with the exhaust port open was 16,000 rpm and with the exhaust port blocked the maximum speed was 20,000 rpm. I haven’t been able to find a logical reason for the speed going up when the exhaust port is blocked and would appreciate any ideas of how this can happen. The following drawing shows the construction of Drag Turbine 4 and the only way for the air to escape with the exhaust port blocked is through a 0.032” diameter vent hole not shown in the drawing or through the ball bearings. The vent hole is in front of the ball bearing closest to the rotor and is intended to vent any gas that gets behind the rotor to keep it from entering the ball bearings.

                                            drag turbine 4 r1.jpg

                                            Turbine Guy

                                              My theory for why Drag Turbine 4 ran faster with the exhaust blocked than with the exhaust open is as follows. The gap between rotor faces and the housing or cover is very small (less than 0.002&rdquo. With the exhaust open, the force tilting the rotor is large enough to open the gap around the inlet and the leakage becomes very large. With the exhaust port blocked, the air must flow around the rotor, so the pressure is about equal on both sides which reduces the loads on the ball bearings and keeps the rotor from tilting enough to cause contact with the cover or housing. Eliminating any contact and reducing the bearing loads appears to add more torque than forcing the air to flow out the small vent hole reduces the torque. I tried running Drag Turbine 6B and had the same results. In the last test of Drag Turbine 6B, the rotor stopped spinning and finally the turbine would not run again with exhaust open or closed. Apparently, the forces on the dental ball bearing are too large with the drag turbines. I added a section view of Drag Turbine 6B showing the location of the vent hole.

                                              I pressed the sleeve out of the drag turbine housing and tried the larger all metal ball bearings I had been using. With the rotors in the same position used in the last tests with these ball bearings, the results for Drag Turbine 4 and Drag Turbine 6B were almost identical to those shown in the table of the 10/05/2022 post.

                                              vent hole.jpg

                                              Turbine Guy

                                                I might try getting some of the lubricant that is used in the dental handpieces for the bearings that are relubricated daily and see how that works for the metal ball bearings I am currently using in the drag turbines. Since these lubricants are designed for the very high speed dental turbines, they may not have the high viscosity at the low temperature caused by the expansion of air in the nozzles. Also, since they are designed to last for an entire day of running the dental drills, the lubricants may adhere to the metal longer. I’ll check the availability and cost of these lubricants and order some if the cost is reasonable. This is all I plan to do with the drag turbines for now.

                                                I plan to add a side plate on Axial Turbine 3A next to the inner face of Rotor 5 as shown in the following drawing. The dimensions for the clearances between the rotor and the cover, the rotor and the side plate, and the distance (x) are what I plan to try. These may change after I find the optimum position of the rotor with the side plate added. The intent of adding the side plate is to reduce the rotational (windage) loss by having a close fit on both sides of the rotor based on what I found for the test described in the 10/05/2022 Post.

                                                axial turbine 3a r1.jpg

                                                Turbine Guy

                                                  I made the side plate and positioned it as shown in the following photo and drawing. I got the best performance with a gap of 0.006” between the set screw collar and the outer ball bearing. The GWS EP 2508 propeller used in the tests pushes the rotor toward the cover plate until this gap is closed. That results in a clearance between the cover and the rotor of 0.005” and between the rotor and the side plate of 0.009”. In all my testing with the dental ball bearings, they have worked best with around 0.004” to 0.006” of clearance between the set screw collar and the outer ball bearing. With these gaps the minimum pressure required to turn the propeller at 28,000 rpm was 19.5 psig, the same as without the side plate. I tried changing the clearance on both sides, opening or closing the clearance in small increments from 0.002” to 0.012”. but no combination performed better. The side plate removed the open space the air leaving the rotor had available to flow into and forced the air into a much smaller channel. This may have offset any gain in performance the tight clearances on each side of the rotor might have given. Axial Turbine 3A is the version without a shroud or tight clearance on the rotor OD, so the flow escaping the blade ends might have increased with the smaller exhaust space.

                                                  gaps photo 2.jpg

                                                  axial turbine 3a r2.jpg

                                                  noel shelley

                                                    It goes faster when the exhaust iblocked could be that the bearings have become Air Bearings ? Noel

                                                    Turbine Guy

                                                      In order to get better testing of the effects of the side clearance on efficiency, I decided to make a Housing 4 and Cover 4 to be used with Axial Rotor 3 to form Axial Turbine 4. The following drawing shows what I plan to try. Housing 4 and Cover 4 will be printed in aluminum by Shapeways. This is a selective laser melting process that uses a laser to scan and selectively melt metal powder particles, bonding them together and building a part layer by layer. I decided to try the aluminum since it is much more rigid than nylon and costs about half as much as cast bronze. I hope the finish ends up relatively smooth when I machine the printed parts. The GWS EP 2508 propeller used in the tests pushes the rotor toward the cover plate until this gap is closed.  That results in a clearance between the cover and the rotor of 0.003” and between the rotor and the side plate of 0.003”. In all my testing with the dental ball bearings, they have worked best with around 0.004” to 0.006” of clearance between the set screw collar and the outer ball bearing. The drawing will be updated to show the placement of the parts, nozzle size, and final dimensions that give the minimum pressure to turn the propeller at a speed of 28,000 rpm. 

                                                      axisl turbine 4.jpg

                                                      Edited By Turbine Guy on 11/07/2022 19:06:27

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