This year, everbody must be feeling the pinch, moneywise, so after talking with management, every purchaser of Model Engineer issue 4414 and Model Engineers’ Workshop issue 183 will get free entry to the Model Engineer Exhibition on Sunday the 11 of December 2011.
Each magazine lets one person into the exhibition for free. No terms, no conditions, other than you must display a copy of the magazine on entry to the show and free entry is Sunday only.
Your magazine will not need to be defaced, you do not need to cut the ticket out. On this occasion photocopies will not be permitted.
Full details will be in ME issue 4414 and Model Engineers’ Workshop issue 183.
I do hope you will come this year, entries are coming in quite fast and we have many major attractions.
regards David
Edited By David Clark 1 on 22/09/2011 11:23:06