Slightly OT I recently bought a buffing wheel and pig tail for my
grinder so I can do some polishing. The (brief) instructions
recommended wearing gloves. The same instructions were given with a hand
held grinder I bought a little while ago.
My point is that I was always taught to never wear
gloves when using such equipment as they offer no real protection (a
grinding wheel or cutting disc will go straight through any glove
material in microseconds). On the other hand (pun not intended
) gloves can be caught by the rotating machinery and drag
your hand into the mechanism.
While buffing I know that objects can get
hot but surely that is a sign that you need to rest the part being
polished. When polishing flatware in a previous existence as a trainee
silversmith we were taught to hold it on a wooden board with three small
pins around the perimeter, with the part held by the slightly
overlapping heads of the pins.
What do others think about the practice of using
gloves near rotating machinery, it may be important for newcomers (and
old timers like me) who haven’t had proper training and rely on the
‘safety instructions’ offered?