Model Engineer 4366


Model Engineer 4366

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  • #45977
      My copy of ME4366 arrived today in post, after I`d seen it in Smith`s, Churchill Sq., Brighton. There was only one copy of ME a number of MEW and about 15 EIM.
      David Clark 13
        Hi There
        I got my copy in Scotland by opost today.
        This is about as far North as you can go without falling of the end.
        I can see no way you could have seen this issue a week ago.
        regards David
        David Clark 13
          Hi There
          Not sure why the magazine being available as a back number before it is published is a problem?
          This week, where delivery was delayed at least meant you could see it even if you could not handle it.
          regards David
          Donald Mitchell
            Hi all, and David,
            Just call me old-fashioned; I like to sit with my feet up in front of the fire with a glass of decent malt in hand and leaf through the pages of Model Engineer, looking to forward to whatever might be on the next page.
            I do agree that the digital back issues on the website are a great idea and a very valuable and convenient way of looking up previous issues etc., but I really think that back issues should be just that. Surely issue 4366 being available as a back issue for near enough the best part of a fortnight before the real thing drops through my letterbox is a bit wonky.
            When issue 4366 arrived today, I experienced no great urge to open the silver bag and to enjoy reading the mag manually. It is now filed on top of the pile of it’s predecessors, un-thumbed – seems a bit of a waste.
            Might it not be an idea, in future, not to digitally publish an issue as a back number until the next newer one is paper-published. (and delivered)
            Anyway enough of my moaning, I’ve been reading and enjoying ME since about 1974 and I look forward to every issue.
            David, thank you very much for your hard work in recent months, you have made ME better than ever.
            Best wishes to all.

            Donald Mitchell
              Not arrived yet, but that’s Jersey for you!
              David Clark 13
                Hi There
                I don’t make policy on what is and is not a back issue.
                You don’t have to read them online.
                (But I know readers with access will.)
                Right, 11pm, stop working and go to bed I think.
                regards david
                  My subscription copy of Issue 4366 arrived today, Tuesday 8th December.
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