Hi Phil,
My needs are purely related to my hobbies and (fortunately) I don’t need to worry about any commercial implications of my technology choices. If I had a business to run (or living to make) from my programming efforts, then your cautions would obviously be valid. Having said that, there are people running (what appear to be) successful businesses using MMB based systems here in the UK. Personally, I have limited time and energy these days. The MMB system suits both my pocket (it’s free) and my practical needs – in that Mites are both powerful and simple to debug. I have previously tried other embedded systems, including Arduino btw.
Currently, I’m busy updating my PicoMite systems to the latest MMB v6 version that was (fully) released just before Christmas. It’s a bit of housekeeping that I’ve been meaning to do for a while, as my Mites tend to get programmed and just forgotten once they are up & running. However, it seemed like a good idea to get them all up to date and on the same firmware revision.
To aid in this effort, a new (225 page spiral bound) v6 manual is busy winging it’s way towards me as I much prefer to use a hard copy rather than an on-screen version. It covers the twelve versions of the v6 firmware for VGA/HDMI, PS2/USB, Pico/PicoW & Pico2 all in one book, whereas before there were separate books for the main varients.
My current MMB project didn’t progress too much over the break as we were away for Christmas and then had house guests over New Year (who have just left!). Hopefully I’ll find more time once things have settled down. The ‘display’ part is working well but I still need to decode the DRO outputs, hopefully without having to dive into the PIOs too deeply.
As an aside – Santa sent me Volume 2 of Kozo Hiraoka’s Rio Grande K-27 and I’m looking forward to browsing through it more fully over future coffee breaks. It is clearly his Opus Magnum! Although I will never build any of Kozo’s engines, I have all of his books and have enjoyed reading every one of them. If some of his ideas (and methods) find their way into my loco work, then I will be very happy.
Have a good New Year everyone.