Sorry about the delay, I've been moving the workshop and things have been delayed a bit in the project. Anyway, we're underway again and here's the latest update:
I've been stripping down the countershaft, and found all the oilite bushes full of grease, so they came out and I'm ordering a full set of new bushes from for the lathe (although they call them sintered bronze – same thing). Seem like good value there.
I've also stripped down the bed – went through some serious amount of Gunk to clean it up. Ended up spraying it down with the hose pipe in the back garden before drying it and setting to with the Nitromorse.
In the end I wire brushed it down to the bare metal, although I did not take off the internal paint, but scrubbed it clean. It's impossible to get to the internal paint surfaces. You have to be careful not to wirebrush any of the machined surfaces like the bed, since the smaller brushes can be pretty aggressive.
I found quite a bit of rust spots under the paint, as you can see in one of the photos so taking it back the the bare metal was inevitable. There were some flecks on the inside too, but I brushed them down and then painted over them – it's impossible to reach those areas.
I also started etch priming with a spray primer from Smith and Allan – fantastic service from them and great products at a great price!
I think I may have laid on the etch primer a bit thick on some of the components, and I certainly have a bit of spray technique to learn. I had to brush out some drips. Next step is some build primer.
I'm pleased with how it turned out.
Part 5 – Countershaft
Part 6 – Bed strip down and clean
Part 7 – First round of etch priming