Ml7 resettable dials


Ml7 resettable dials

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    von dutch

      Hi there does anyone know if the super 7 dials or ml7r ones can be modded to fit the ml7,as the price of the imperial genuine ones are daft if you can get hold of them!

      von dutch
        von dutch

          Or ml10?!


            A phone call to Myford in Halifax should redeem you an answer. Or wait for Hopper to reply , he will probably know. My Super 7 Cross slide dial has a through clear hole & is trapped by a spring washer. Had it off recently but cannot remember the hole size. One of my Youtube video's shows this part. Eliminating cross slide adjuster side play



              The standard ML7-R uses the same type of dial as the ML7

              Unfortunately no. Super 7 dials will not fit an ML7 or ML7-R


                I bought a Myford 7 resettable top slide dial from Ivan Law I think it was but must be now 40 years ago.



                  As the answer to the OP's question seems to be a qualified "no" it seems worth pointing out that GHT and others have published designs for shop-made re-settable dials.

                  I realise that ML7 owners may not wish to make their own dials but it is certainly possible for them to do so.

                  Brian Curle

                    "Cliffs Shed" on You Tube has a couple of videos on making a re-settable cross slide dial

                    Mike Poole

                      It may be worth enquiring with Myford whether the imperial ML7/7R dials are likely to be restocked, currently they only seem to list the metric version.


                        Posted by Brian Curle on 26/01/2021 12:27:56:

                        "Cliffs Shed" on You Tube has a couple of videos on making a re-settable cross slide dial

                        Thanks for the pointer; new to me and pleasingly down to earth.

                        derek hall 1
                          Posted by ega on 26/01/2021 12:10:22:

                          As the answer to the OP's question seems to be a qualified "no" it seems worth pointing out that GHT and others have published designs for shop-made re-settable dials.

                          I realise that ML7 owners may not wish to make their own dials but it is certainly possible for them to do so.


                          I converted my super 7 crossslide dial to the modification suggested by GHT last year and it works really well – much better than the original.

                          GHT did also cover in the same article regarding modifying the ML7….

                          Regards to all


                          von dutch

                            Can someone enlighten me as to what is "ght",being a newbie?!,and mention of this article or supply a link to it?

                            von dutch

                              Also I wonder if there is no internal thread on the super 7 dial,is there enough "meat" on the Id to maybe ream it out and fit a threaded bush to fit the ml7,at least it would keep it factory ish?,any thoughts? possible?


                                I'm not a Myford owner but I think this applies to many other lathes. I have one lathe that must have been modified by a previous owner to have the Myford Mazak dials.

                                Are you talking about the cylindrical ones or the older Mazak ones with the raised markings that are at an angle rather than engraved markings? And the dial as a unit is threaded so forms part of the way the handle is locked to the shaft?
                                The key with these is to first make a 'top hat' shaped bush that is threaded to provide the locknut function for the handle. You can then make any form of dial cylinder you fancy without having the risk of trashing your original. I would make one much larger so all markings can be more easily seen without glasses when you get older. If you look at a few generations of the SouthBend cross-slide dial you see they went through 3 phases going from about 3/4 in dia to 1 1/4in to 2in.

                                Drifting the subject a little has anyone tried 3D printng an engraved dial (larger size)? I think it would need the extra resolution of a resing printer though.

                                Michael Gilligan
                                  Posted by von dutch on 26/01/2021 13:38:32:

                                  Can someone enlighten me as to what is "ght",being a newbie?!,and mention of this article or supply a link to it?


                                  GHT = Geo. H. Thomas

                                  … a legend and a superhero !!


                                  von dutch

                                    Yes my ml7 has the nut as part of the dial,older style,I,ve got new handles on order as the original ones badly rusted I was hoping there might be a way of putting resettable dials on as I was there,maybe then a super 7 dial could be fitted?

                                    Nigel Bennett

                                      "An Adjustable index dial for the ML7" LC Mason ME3632 2 May 1980 p554/555.

                                        Posted by Nigel Bennett on 26/01/2021 14:21:04:

                                        "An Adjustable index dial for the ML7" LC Mason ME3632 2 May 1980 p554/555.

                                        He was one of the "others" I had in mind; Sparey ("A Man and his Lathe" ) was another.

                                        I expect the GHT material was in Model Engineer; it is certainly in his Workshop Manual (every home should have one).

                                        Incidentally, although the search box at top right of page is unhelpful in this instance, the custom search box further down gives an immediate hit for GHT.

                                        Edited By ega on 26/01/2021 14:29:37


                                          Some pictures for von dutch.

                                          This may help you if you decide to do the mods to yours. These are from my Super 7B.





                                          leadscrew 2.jpg

                                          von dutch

                                            Stevegtr,that is superb,is that drawing the standard size of the super 7 dial,and photo of crosslide is standard super 7 as well ?,if so it looks like I could make a bush for the inside retap it for 5/16 thread on ml7,at brief glance?!

                                              Posted by von dutch on 26/01/2021 17:19:34:

                                              Stevegtr,that is superb,is that drawing the standard size of the super 7 dial,and photo of crosslide is standard super 7 as well ?,if so it looks like I could make a bush for the inside retap it for 5/16 thread on ml7,at brief glance?!

                                              Yes my crosslide is all standard Myford Super 7B. The sizes are all for the standard parts.

                                              The dial is only held in place by the winding handle, which presses against that spring washer. Nothing is threaded, it just sits in position. I am sure you can make some sort of adaptor. I am not sure what the Ml7 parts look like.


                                              Mike Poole

                                                I think the end of the feedscrew is threaded 1/4”BSF, worth checking before tapping 5/16”


                                                von dutch

                                                  You sir,are an absolute star thanks for sharing your information.

                                                  Howard Lewis

                                                    Chapter 15 of G H Thomas' "The Model Engineers Workshop Manual" describes, and provides drawings for, making what he describes as " Cross Slide Micrometer Collars"

                                                    All the work appears to be turning or drilling, so should be possible without a Milling machine.

                                                    Graduating the collars may well get you involved in making a Graduating Tool (As shown in his "Workshop Techniques" which also deals with various methods of Indexing.)

                                                    For a 10 tpi leadscrew, 100 divisions (each of a thou ) will be needed, With longest graduations for Zero and each 10 increment, with shorter ones for the 5 increments., with the 1, 2,3,4, and 6,7,8,9 lines being shortest..

                                                    This tool is a J A Radford design., (Originally published in ME 4th January 1968,) which is also shown on page 177 of "The Model Engineers Workshop Manual"

                                                    Because of the 67T Bullwheel, it it is not directly useable on the ML7, (Since it relies on a 60T wheel for graduating., but could be used where some alternative method of indexing is available ).



                                                    von dutch

                                                      Are the standard dials fitted to the super 7 resettable,or are they an upgrade item from myford as well?

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