Tagging onto this one as I seem to be following in Matt's footsteps…
The ML7 I'm gradually putting back together has a 3 phase, dual voltage English Electric 1/3HP motor with it. It seems to have 4 terminals, 3 of them wired to lines. No obvious way of changing wiring between star and delta. I've ordered the Tee books on motors – my experience of 3ph motors is limited (mech eng only got taught rudimentary 3ph power theory) – but in the meantime I see the options as follows:
1. Find a way of wiring it for 1ph use and see how it goes. May not be possible and the amount of swarf I can see through the vents makes me a bit twitchy (and that's with no current flowing).
2. Replace it with a single-phase motor; either with resilient mounts or a much cheaper one from e.g. Machine Mart.
3. Buy a 3ph inverter and run it off that.
4. Buy a 3ph motor/inverter package and fit that.
3 & 4 I'm not certain make good financial sense – at this stage, the lathe is a bit of an unknown quantity. I've got about 3 thou of wear on the front shear for the 1st 1/3 of the bed, I don't know how good the spindle runout is yet and it still needs to be bolted onto a bench.
I'd already decided I didn't like the MEM contacter and sourced a more up-to-date NVR with emergency stop… The Dewhurst switch looks fine at least. What's puzzled me is that the wiring in those was 1ph, but the motor has the red/blue/yellow I'd expect of 3ph. Decommissioning was done with cutters it seems.
Any advice?