Hi there, Captain,
Someone else is probably going to be a faster typist than I am! However, here goes:
Do you have the User Instructions booklet with your ML7? (I suspect that isn't its full title – I don't have mine to hand.) If you don't, it used to be downloadable from the Myford web-site.
The term you need to research in the book is 'back-gear'. There is (or should be) a little segment of gear that will engage with the exterior of the large gear-wheel (aka 'bull wheel' ) and is locked in (or out) of engagement by an Allen-headed screw. You need a shorter-than-standard Allen key to manipulate the gear segment.
If you lock it out of engagement, you also need to operate the back-gear lever (immediately to the left of the headstock front) – this puts the lathe in back-gear, i.e. low gear. With the segment engaged, the bull wheel is locked to the pulley so one drives the other directly.
There are some pictures on-line, I don't have a reference to hand just now.
Have a look at the book and at the hardware and hope for a 'light bulb moment'!
Best regards,
Swarf, Mostly!
Edited By Swarf, Mostly! on 09/03/2020 20:45:24