Ta very much.
I wish that there was a company like Surpluscenter in the UK. Maybe there is ?
The motor will be a permanent fixture, but even allowing for the fact that I bought the ML7 for much less than the going rate I have to add the leadscrew motor on a budget, unless I want to continue eating beans on toast for the next few months
I've seen the Tony Jeffree CNC link. It looks great, but I know nothing about stepper motors. I'd like a minimum of complication. Just a switch that does ForwardOffReverse and a speed control would be fine.
Edit – just found a brand new Parvalux 10w 24DC motor with 139 rpm planetary gearbox on Ebay for £25 – does that sound like it'll work OK ?
Edited By Sid Wittmann on 31/01/2017 20:08:56