Mitsubishi D720 Inverter Problem


Mitsubishi D720 Inverter Problem

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  • #338873
    Gordon Smith 1

      I have a used Mitsubishi D720 inverter which is OK when operated from the front panel. With a remote control pad connected only the potentiometer works, the forward, reverse and jog functions are dead. I presume that some of my parameter settings are wrong. Can anyone help?

      Gordon Smith 1
        Ian Parkin

          You need to plough through the instruction manual /set up guide and change the control from local to remote

          Martin 100
            Gordon Smith 1

              I have set the control to remote and the potentiometer will control the speed but forward and reverse don't work.

              Clive Brown 1

                On my VFD, a Teco, the potentiometer (analogue input control) is one set of parameters, and the stop/start, forward/reverse, jog etc, (digital input control) is a different set. Both have to be set correctly.

                Don't know if the Mitsubishi is similar though.


                Edited By Clive Brown 1 on 29/01/2018 20:34:28


                  Usually there are 2 settings for external control,

                  1st is Source of runtime frequency control :- set to Potentiometer.

                  2nd is Source of runtime command:- set to External signal control. The wording in your manual may differ a little but the basics are the same.


                  If the parameters are set for remote operation ensure that the 3 wires for the rev/fwd are connected correctly.

                  The usual layout for fwd/rev is :- 1 wire to FWD, 1 wire to REV and the 3rd wire should either go to the CM/Com (common) or earth if no common terminal.

                  If the connections are ok recheck the parameter settings.

                  On many of the VFD's I have used the jog only works with the e-stop button engaged.

                  ALSO on some remotes on Ebay etc the wiring for the remote:- fwd = Blue, rev = green, and control signal for 24v/12v/COM = red. In many cases you use the Com or Earth terminal. The wiring colours are not very intuitive so care needs to be taken there.





                  Edited By Oldiron on 29/01/2018 21:13:09

                  Gary Wooding

                    I'm using four 500 series Mitsubishi inverters in my workshop. Although yours is 700 series I don't think the wiring is completely different. Here's how I've wired mine up.

                    I hope it helps.

                    inverter wiring.jpgHere's how to set the source logic.inverter wiring 0.jpg

                    Gordon Smith 1

                      That's solved it. Swopped the jumper, which strained my ageing eyesight, and the remote now functions correctly. Many thanks.

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