Posted by William Ayerst on 17/03/2021 20:04:42:
Just for the sake of argument how would I go about facing them? A superglue arbor or something?
That's my preferred method, though I haven't tried super-glue on anything really heavy. Should work – provided the parts are really clean, the main problem with super-glue is getting them apart afterwards!
Although all super-glues break when heated, the temperature needed seems to vary. Boiling in water isn't always enough, and I once had to give a Poundshop glued item a good blast with a blowlamp – hot enough for spit to boil off instantly.
In theory soaking in Acetone (nail varnish remover) will also break the bond, but I've not had much luck with it probably because the liquid can't penetrate. It's good for cleaning the residue though, provided the glue hasn't been severely overheated.