Restrict orifice and direct upwards for a fountain, or point sideways to drive a water-wheel*. Find the size of the orifice by experimenting: it’s related to motor power and the receiver capacity, and it’s possible the latter is only ornamental. Too small and the pump will stall; too big and the water won’t have any pressure behind it. Try ⌀1.5mm and see how it goes.
* This was done in the real world! When textile mills first adopted steam engines, it was found steam’s pulsating power output tended to break threads and spoil the weave etc. So early rotary steam engines were put to lifting water into a higher reservoir that drove a water-wheel at constant velocity. The reservoir being a smooth source of potential energy took out the pulses. Later, it seems adding a big flywheel, regulator, and/or more cylinders smoothed the steam engine well enough, and maybe the development of slightly stretchy rope drives helped too. Filling water reservoirs with steam pumps to turn water-wheels didn’t last long because smoothing by pumping water is costly compared with a direct connection to the engine. But drinking water supply is still managed with reservoirs and water towers, I guess because pumping direct into the main stresses the pipework and makes it harder to maintain the pumps.