Nottingham? I remember when Proops were in Tottenham Court Road!
Hi, I used to visit them fairly often in TCR, back in the 70’s, along with the likes of Z & I Aero Services, and G W Smith & Co (Radio) Ltd. and I would also pop along to Henry’s Radio in Edgeware Road. Ah! yes as Russell says Lisle Street was another favourite place.
Regards Nick.
World War 2 was my playground!
War production and equipment imports from North America carried on at full throttle in the UK well beyond the Nazi surrender just in case the Red Army didn’t stop and/or the British had to switch maximum effort into the defeat of Japan. As it turned out, WW2 ended as hoped, leaving the UK holding massive stocks of military related equipment. Then, as the Cold War developed, much 1940 and 1950s gear rapidly became obsolete, and that too became surplus.
For about 20 years after WW2 all manner of optics, motors, radios, electronics, tools, and whatnots were sold far below what they’d cost to make. Much of it was well-made to a high military specification and packaged to survive being left outside for a few years in a tropical rainforest. We shall never see the like again. Not perfect though – I remember thinking it ironic that I could buy a Top Secret Cavity Magnetron for less than a transistor, when I wanted to buy transistors. (A surplus magnetron power supply was also cheap, but useless because they ran on weird voltages like 110V 400Hz 3-phase, or 28Vdc 40A.