When you say that you have destroyed the "Whats this" do you mean the small transformer where you have placed the title or do you mean that you are looking to replace the entire board. It is possible to repair these boards for a very small outlay depending on whats damaged. If it was a simple overload/being worked too hard for too long then it might only be something like the SCRs or diodes that have failed.
Where abouts are you, roughly, as there are several people on this forum that have the knowledge to repair a board like this and may be prepared to take it on, trouble is Christmas is coming up which could put a spanner in the works. The other alternative is to contact the supplier to see if they hold stock of this board. I suspect companies like Warco, Chester, Amadeal and possibly Arceurotrade would have boards would be suitable but they are usually fairly costly items.
Looks like everybody got their reply in before me
Edited By Martin W on 14/12/2016 17:58:26