Hi John – modeng2000 and all,
This is an observation, rather than a criticism. I am not looking to offend anyone.
This morning, we had a call from a customer who had the same machine from the same supplier, with a blown control board. He too has a replacement machine coming from Vevor. He also purchased tooling from them which he believes to be of poor quality.
As a result of his experience, his general opinion of 'mini-lathes and tooling' from China was that they are all of poor quality. We helped him understand the tooling he had purchased and we helped him understand that the mini-lathe he purchased was totally different to what is sold by reputable U.K. sellers.
Buying machines and related products from eBay, Amazon or Vevor, from unregulated foreign entities come with their own set of issues – good, bad and ugly.
I can understand that the purchase is made because the machine and tooling was cheap. However, the only buyers who should take such risks are those who know what to expect for the price, and be happy to be able to fix it if things go wrong.
Sadly, a high percentage of buyers who buy such cheap machines have very low engineering knowledge or experience. If it is right or wrong to go down this road, is really up to the buyer.
However, it is concerning if people get put off the hobby based on this experience, and it is wrong for all reputable sellers to be tarred with the brush of 'all Chinese mini-lathes and related products' are rubbish.
In the case of the person who called us, he purchased some tooling from us. In his case, according to him, he will get the replacement machine, and then off-load a working machine on eBay… probably for someone else to experience. Then he will purchase a new mini-lathe from us.
For ARC, there is a silver lining.. We get calls as per above example, every few days. Many turn into new customers, to whom we sell mechanical spares, and new tooling, or new machines. They then turn into regular customers. Unfortunately, in all cases we cannot help them with the electronics…control board replacement, as they are totally different to those fitted in SIEG made mini-lathes.
So John and all.. If you really know what you are doing with a cheap purchase, ….please don't feel guilty for accepting a new replacement machine from Vevor or any other unregulated foreign operator off eBay, Amazon or elsewhere. The more such operators are hit financially for their incompetence, the more they will realise that it is not an easy revenue stream.
However, it is difficult to say how many NEW people have been put off the hobby resulting from their experience.
Ketan at ARC