Thanks for all the suggestions, really helpful.
Some follow-up:
* The motor is disconnected from the PCB so I'm ignoring that at the moment..
* Chuck guard switch seems to have recently failed in the ON position, but checking continuity AND resistance from both terminals to L, N and E show no anomolies (though I'll take that apart to fix it anyhow.
* Testing across the motor outputs shows pretty much the same as the braking resistor and the relays have successbully isolated both terminals from the 240v DC supply.
* No shorts across the rectifier from 240V AC > DC, Resistance there is 3.6M (happy with that)
* Resistance between the 240V ac input is 747R… that's a little low, bit still 321mA at 240v
* Nothing along the DC or AC pathways has a short to Earth, which I'd say would exonerate any supperssion caps – but messured them anyhow . I kow caps can fail short – I fixed a friend's XBOX which had a 100nF cap failed to short (A buqqer to trace that!)
now….. There's a high wattage 100R resistor with a cap in series across the Source and Drain of the mosft. I nearly missed the slight burns on that mistaking the wire-widings for black.brown stripes. BUT there doesn't seem to be anything that's going to pull enough current in that situation to burn the resistor or blow the fuse.
This looks like it's associated with a low value resistor that's making a divider for the current sense. No damage there and that even feeds into the op-amp throgh a 1/4w 10k res which even if THAT secrioin had failed wouldn't pull 6A without significant magic smoke.
….. scratching head. And yes, lothed to give up this board becasue it's areally nice design,