As Circlip says, you need to consider your requirements. My first lathe was a Hobbymat which I quickly found was too small. The Myford was too expensive, and the Boxford I would have liked too big and heavy for one man manouvering. So I bought the Warco 220.
Occasionally I do find myself attempting the impossible, eg trying to swing a 6″/150mm length of bar to bore a hole in the end. Or trying to put a piece of angle iron on the faceplate. Both examples catch on the bed because it doesn’t have a gap!
Just going back to the Hobbymat for a moment, this lathe is rated at 65mm centre height, ie a diameter of 130mm. (At least I think that’s waht it is – I’m relying on memeory here.) However, the maximum diameter over the cross-slide is only 50mm/2″, and this is what I found very restrictive.
So, in addition to length & centre height, you may need to consider diameter over cross-slide. Also top-slide travel (for cutting short tapers), tailstock travel (for drilling) and possibly cross-slide travel. Mine, at 110mm, seems a bit short with a centre height of 105mm.
Peter G. Shaw