Dear David,
our ‘expert’ has complained about personal messages on posts. Fine, but it was not just I there were several people who were enjoying a bit of fun and not particularly detracting from the post. There have been many irrelevant threads in terms of model engineering on this forum and many other forums for that matter. There have also been many occasions when personal messages have gone on for quite a period. I suppose that all of those will be archived without being deleted.
I am accused of not making positive contributions well I think that our self appointed guardian should read the the posts I have contributed. As well as the thanks I have received for my advice. At least I don’t expect much of the thread to be comprised of congratulatory and sycophantic messages such as appear on HMEM where there are pages of messages which say more or less “Well done J*** “. How do those contribute to the store of knowledge in this wonderful ‘archive’, I don’t see requests for that garbage to be deleted as distracting from the thread even though I find it annoying to have to trawl through them to get to the useful bits.
It appears that the role of this forum ,and others, is being taken far too seriously by pompous individuals, what some think of as ‘garbage’, others think of a light relief from the tedium of so called experts. I don’t really think this forum, whatever we may think is going very far beyond the subscribers no matter how important we think it may be.
The subject of this particular thread had been well covered, Wolfie’s questions were answered sensibly and fully and that was the original purpose of the thread, no more no less.
The so called ‘garbage can be skipped over, much as some of the so called advice should be (some of which is simply wrong, often uninformed and as such garbage). I think it is a sad day when a couple of messages from a few guys have to be censored when they are not insulting ( some comments about them are), obscene, Lewd, profane or aimed at harming any individual.
As for future potential model engineers reading this, I’m sure that they would prefer the excess formality to be broken with occasional humour as I learned early in my teaching career much to my and my students benefit.
Please answer this David, if I wish to give some details of my career, albeit in an irreverent and comical way instead of a pompous and formal manner, what is wrong with that. If you read my posts that is exactly what I was doing , pointing out some of my qualifications and details of my experience in engineering and teaching over the last 50 years. Most forums would expect individuals to do that so that their advice can be weighed up and judged in the context of their experience, because as we know, there is a lot of cr*p written on the internet and even on this forum. Just because my information is offered in an informal way does not make it of any less value or ‘garbage’ as some would insultingly write. My career has not been ‘garbage’. It is only those who do not comprehend who see it that way. In the same way that many of my students used to dismiss literature, serious music, the theatre, and Lord forbid even cricket, as ‘rubbish’. There is such a thing as nuance as well as humour. Just because some cannot see it does not make their judgements valid.
If there was an attack on individuals or insults, profanities etc then perhaps action should be taken and I applaud your actions David in deleting expletives from some posts as I do not swear myself and find it very disturbing. But in this case I think that the views of one individual should not have influenced you without discussion with the others involved. There is very much pomposity, self importance and formality on these forums and there must be room for a little humour – we are not writing text books despite what some may think, there are plenty of those around. As for attacking others I only respond to individuals when attacked myself and anyone who thinks otherwise should read my posts properly. If the humour distracted from the thread surely the complaints did also.
By the way, the word cr*p is not a swear word, despite popular thought, the word is derived from old Anglo Saxon word crappe meaning simply ‘rubbish’ and is nothing to do with the name of the inventor of the flushing toilet, just before the uninformed accuse me of swearing.
Edited By Terryd on 30/11/2010 13:44:11
Edited By Terryd on 30/11/2010 13:57:01
Edited By Terryd on 30/11/2010 14:07:35