Having arrived at rotation speed to achieve the correct surface speed for the cutter material mand the work material, the bother factor to take into account is the feed rate.
For each type of cutter there is feed rate determined by the number of teeth, and rotation speed.
An End Mill will probably have a feed per tooth of 0.002" (0.050 mm ). So running at 1,000 rpm with a 4 tooth cutter will result in a feed rate of 2 inches (50.8 mm ) per minute.
Feeding above the ideal feed / tooth will wear the cutter, and even break it if sufficiently excessive.
Feeding much too slowly will cause the cutter to rub, and the local heating may well soften and blunt it.
The feed rate will affect the surface finish, coarse feeds, as you would expect should produce a rougher finish. This is acceptable for roughing where the object is to remove metal as rapidly as possible. For finishing cuts, the depth of cut and feed rate will be decreased.
Carbide tooling requires surface speeds and feed rates that differ quite markedly from those for HSS.