Hi Chris & Meyrick.
I realise that this is a bit late it the thread but I have fairly strong feelings regarding the regulations regarding health and safety versus common sense that we are being subjected to these days.
I’m afraid that I’m with you regarding taking the odd and calculated risk. Hell’s teeth we wouldn’t dare cross a road or drive if we weren’t prepared to take a risk. As far as I am concerned HSSW is good but there are limits to how much ‘Safety’ needs to scrutinised. Any aged adult, I am in that category at 65+, has lived without HSSW or regulations long enough to judge risk against damned stupidity. Yes I have four fingers on each hand plus thumbs to match, two eyes physically intact as well as the expected quota or arms (needed to support aforesaid fingers/hands) and legs but does that mean I haven’t taken the odd risk or ten of course it doesn’t!!!!!!! Assess the risk take the obvious precautions and go for it and yes I haven’t got a mill yet so a pillar drill complete with chuck, three jaw of course, is used as a substitute mill with light cuts and acceptance that a job could be completely screwed up. Would I recommend this to a friend or beginner of course not!
What do they say ‘Variety is the spice of life’ and a little excitement never hurt
. Yes being reckless is stupid and machinery can do serious damage to soft tissue but with a little forethought most things can be achieved with little or no risk to the operator, me, or anyone else if the shed door is shut!!!
Please keep the advice coming.
Best regards
Not Irresponsible but inventive when needs arise.
Without this the human race would still be cracking their nuts with stones and how would health and safety regulate this, perhaps with rubber stones, Oh s**t then they might bounce out of control and hurt someone so lets starve to death because it’s safer.
Problem solved!!!
Edited By Martin W on 21/11/2009 02:14:32