It’s a long long time since I built and sold my dw but it was a great machine
adding shims will make the wobble worse . The table bar is located under the saddle bar, thus adding shim where you show it in the photo will increase the clearance. It would probably mean scraping the bar seat to make it thinner, but take care, material will need to be removed equally from the front and back top faces of the saddle after removing the way bars or the table will tilt in the y direction
where you show lug in green, above the left screw the boss does not seem to have much clearance with the underside of the table. Check you can push a feeler gauge in the gap this bar runs the full length of the saddle
the dw was designed so it could be constructed with lathe alone. In its day, few m engineers had anything for milling except the vertical slide
the table travel can be at any angle, it will still work true, but it will make setting up difficult without using the table edge fir reference
the controlling factor here is the table bar being parallel to the table edge
if u replace any of these bars, drill and tap new holes in new positions.
Edited By Zan on 06/11/2021 00:04:34