Mill Issue


Mill Issue

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      Hi I have been having an issue with this mill WARCO XZ15, thinking its me and lack of knowledge.

      I can never get a good finish on material.

      I have been looking around the machine fixing the play on beds etc, ensure all is tight, when I go for cut looks okay until the end then cutter rappers to drop and cut extra.

      This got me looking at the quill, here I noticed I could move the quill up and down by approx 0.2 of a mm, even with everything locked off. On further investigation I notice the main quill does not move at all it is the central spindle.

      Looking through the internet this could be down to pre loaded bearings, what's the thoughts here and how easy are the to get to and fix.

      On a brighter note I have been working away on my lathe cleaning, fettling improving the machine and my skills and that is came on leaps and bounds, was hopping to do the same with the mill.

      I have managed to get the horizontal steam engine, Dads series, completed and is running , but this did not require the mill, only used it as a glorified drill.

      Hope someone can help



        Mill type XZ15 Warco

        Neil Wyatt

          Hi Dullnote,

          It should not be hard to fix, typically there will be a preload nut and a locknut at the top of the spindle, or possibly a single nut acting on a splined pully or washer.

          The rejuvenated thread here has much discussion of setting preload:

          I suggest starting with Ketan's post half way down page 2. You won't find better advice.


          old mart

            Just in case it gets missed, the preload adjusting nuts are probably left hand thread.

            old mart

              Yet another doubled up post.

              Edited By old mart on 13/05/2020 21:51:58

              Nicholas Farr

                Hi Dullnote, if you mean the ZX 15, it is much the same as my Chester Campion round column mill. I had to take up a little slack in mine some years ago and as far as I can remember, it has a nut with four slots in at 90 degrees to each other and there is a multi tag locking washer that you bend up which ever tag is in line with a slot. Of course, you will have to tap the tag down out of the slot before you can do any adjustment, but first you will need to remove the V pulley which drives the spindle and then the splined sleeve and bearing housing assembly to gain access to the spindle nut. It's not a difficult job, but don't adjust it up too tight, I can't remember if you will need to take the motor and the base of the belt guard before you remove the splined sleeve/housing, I think you will be able to see when you get the pulley off. Neil's link above should help you decide on the pre-load needed.

                Regards Nick.


                  As well as the belt drive  ZX15 mill Warco did briefly offer the XZ15 mill which was a Chinese made six speed geared head machine that is a similar size to the Emco FB2 copies, although the base casting, table, head and other parts are a little different.

                  It could be either the ZX or XZ as I get the two mixed up as well. I think it was at least 20 years ago that Warco offered the XZ15.

                  Edited By Lathejack on 13/05/2020 23:34:49

                  Edited By Lathejack on 13/05/2020 23:37:24

                  Nicholas Farr

                    Hi Lathejack, can't remember ever seeing an XZ15 geared head one, however they did do a ZX16 geared head one with six speeds, which was a similar design.

                    Regards Nick.


                      Okay just checked my machine, it is WarcoXZ 15 purchased 1997, driven by belt over 4 speed pulls system.

                      i have removed the pully, and the top set of bearings, glad I have as they are dry and packed with hard crusty material, I assume some sort of rust protection from new, will clean them and put new grease in.

                      However the question is do I need to take the quill out, as I can’t see any other way to get to the adjustable bearing. If it has to come out I am concerned about the spring, any tips?/

                      Thanks for your help


                      Nicholas Farr

                        Hi Dullnote, more photos of your progress may help us to guide you and a general photo of your machine will also help.

                        Regards Nick.

                        Edited By Nicholas Farr on 14/05/2020 10:21:10

                        Neil Wyatt
                          Posted by Dullnote on 14/05/2020 08:54:53:

                          Okay just checked my machine, it is WarcoXZ 15 purchased 1997, driven by belt over 4 speed pulls system.

                          i have removed the pully, and the top set of bearings, glad I have as they are dry and packed with hard crusty material, I assume some sort of rust protection from new, will clean them and put new grease in.

                          However the question is do I need to take the quill out, as I can’t see any other way to get to the adjustable bearing. If it has to come out I am concerned about the spring, any tips?/

                          Thanks for your help


                          What held the top set of bearings in place? It's probable that preload is adjusted by whatever holds them down.

                          Are they taper roller, angular contact or deep groove bearings?

                          Will the lower bearings be equally in need of attention?

                          Photos will help. Create an album and then use the camera icon to put them in your posts.



                            Hi update on what I have found, did.

                            Neil put some photos in my album, which I hope helps explain

                            Okay after taking the bully off, by removal of nut, this would not be the preload for the bearing as it only effected the bearing fort he running of the pully.

                            With this housing removed I could see the washer about 40mm down in the housing, hence I was asking if the quill had to be removed, which would cause an issue with the spring.

                            However this afternoon I mocked up a spanner to hold the spline shaft, managed to get the locking tab on the nut knocked down, then with a punch and a hammer mover the washer round to the next locking tab.

                            Well there is now no movement in the vertical spindle and it rotates freely, so may not have been very professional but appears to be successful.

                            When I am using the quill and spindle as a drill I still have some vertical movement, but looking into this it appears to be the quill and spindle which I think will be the backlash on the gearing, I assume this is normal.

                            So thanks for everyones input.



                            Nicholas Farr

                              Hi Jim, glad you've got it sorted, although it is really a ZX-15 as you can see in the photo below in the ad of April 1996 ME, despite it having a plate saying XZ15.


                              It is also the same as my Chester Campion one, with only a few minor differences.

                              Regards Nick.

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