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This paper found water quenching actually caused a low carbon steel to be harder (and more brittle) than case hardening it.
International Journal of Advance Research, IJOAR .org
ISSN 2320-9135 1
IJOAR@ 2015
International Journal of Advance Research, IJOAR .org
Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2015, Online: ISSN 2320-9135
O.R Adetunji*, A.O Adegbola, S.A Afolalu.
Mild steel is easily available and affordable having all material properties that are acceptable for many applications. It
has carbon content up to 0.15%. While case-hardening and water-quenching are carried out on mild steel to improve
toughness, strength and hardness, ductility declines as a result of internal stress developed in the material. This
research work evaluated the effect of case-hardening and water-quenching on the mechanical properties of mild
steel rod. Fifteen samples of mild steel rod of diameter 50 mm were prepared and heat treated in all, 12 of which
were tensile samples. The other materials used for the project work were; powdered charcoal (4.44 g), barium
carbonate (250 g), venier caliper, optical microscope, heating furnace and the material testing equipment. The waterquenched
specimens were heated to 950 oC and soaked for 40 minutes, after which the specimens were quenched
in water. The case-hardened specimens were heated to 950 oC and for a period of 40 minutes and then quenched in
salt solution. Various tests were carried out on the heated samples such as; tensile strength test, hardness test,
microstructural analysis and chemical analysis were all carried out. The results showed that the case-hardened
specimens had more ductility than the water-quenched. The hardness test revealed that the water-quenched
samples were the hardest, followed by the case-hardened samples. The case-hardened specimens had higher value
than water-quenched specimens for strain at break. Various microstructures which were product of austenite were
got such as, martensite (BCT, fine grains), Bainites and Pearlites.