Posted by Martin Kyte on 29/08/2020 11:31:01:
Required torque increases with speed. The primary compromise when microstepping is the reduction in maximum speed. The major advantage of microstepping is resolution.
regards Martin
well, therein lies the rub..the 'increase' in resolution is true to a very limited extent, and depends on many things. The proportional increase of resolution with increased microstepping exists only in the magnetic field vector, and in the math..This is not necessarily where the rotor actually moves to! With no load on the motor, the field vector may want the rotor to position itself say 20% away from the current full step position, toward the next, but the strong static magnetic field from the closer stator magnet pole is stronger than that dynamic field vector, so the rotor moves less than it should , sometimes not at all.Bearing stiction makes it worse. As the tween full step position torque is compromised, the rotor lags the field vector and at some point the forward vector is stronger than the lagging static field and stiction, and the rotor moves and catches up ( or almost does..or overshoots). Add to this a load, a leadscrew and the driven table stiction and inertia, and the delta worsens. The electromagnetic field vector is following the improved resolution almost perfectly, but the rotor not…
Microstepping is not the best way to achieve small feeds per stepper pulse…As I said, it does wonders in overcoming rough stepping at low speeds, ie, smoother running, but that can generally be achieved with 1/2 or at most, 1/4 stepping. In most cases where it is found that the 'system' runs more smoothly at some specific microstep value, it is because the system resonance and motor resonance are happiest at that rate – NOT because things are better at that 'resolution'. At 1/2 or 1/4 step, motor resolution does in fact quite closely follow the field vector, depending on the applied static loads.
Microstepping is also advantageous when the applied load dynamic profile is that of an undamped spring – a stepper driving a carriage via a toothed belt, with the carriage slides being low friction ball glides without slide wipers, etc. The mass is easily and quickly accelerated,but bounces and overshoots, etc. At full step, when accelerating thru the MOTOR resonance point(s), the inertial, undamped ' bounce', quickly makes the motor loose steps.
I spent many hours testing and tuning these setups on various cnc machines I built and retrofitted, to try get the most out of them, and if you stick to those concepts ( exceptions abound..) life is a little less difficult! Adding rotary dampers to the motor also works wonders in smoothing out motion and eliminating lost steps.
EDIT – just to add – stepper drivers/controllers are many a culprit in poor motor performance. The shape of the integrated PWM current waveform in the motor windings plays a huge role in stepper smoothness, acceleration and general performance. A simple PWM signal that attempts to simulate a sinusoidal current profile in the motor winding does not cut it when looking for smooth motors, or higher performance. The better range controllers ( analogue type..) will have some pots that allow the user to adjust the current waveform, while running the motor at the first, 2nd and third resonance RPM. The motor is simply placed on a hard surface – table top – and spun up from 0 rpm, slowly, till it vibrates madly. The pot(s) are then adjusted till smooth, and the next rpm point found, etc. All this is doing is pre-distorting the applied currents , and the magnetic field vector to help smooth the rotor steps. And this setting works only for this motor! This process must not be done with the motor fitted as it is the motor rotor resonance that is being compensated. The rest of the system friction and damping mass will mask this.
The good old GECKO drive controller worked this way and were fantastic. There new ones are digital..have not tried them yet.
Digital stepper controllers do exactly the same, but the controller itself observes the back-EMF to find the resonance points, and adjusts the PWM to achieve the same. The benefit of a digital controller is that it will compensate over the full user required RPM range, not just over the lower end.
Nuf now!
Edited By Joseph Noci 1 on 29/08/2020 14:00:41