Sorry to see Ian and Duncan having problems. It’s the law: nothing is ever easy!
Duncan mentioned ‘mount’, Jolly useful for admins and rarely comes to the notice of users unless something is wrong. Can’t think of a good reason why a Mint installer should fail to mount discs. ‘mount’ is low-level hardware stuff, not something Microsoft can mess with. Possibly a BIOS setting, dunno!
mount is how UNIX adds physical storage to the system, and though the jargon and method is different Windows have an equivalent.
For historic reasons, Windows ‘mounts’ discs & USB memory etc as a drive labelled A: B: C: etc. As early PCs came with two floppy disc drives, these were always labelled A: and B: When hard-drives came along, they were allocated to C:, with CD-ROMs allocated further down the alphabet. Today, even though computers rarely have floppy drives, C: is still the hard-drive (or SSD), from which Windows normally boots. A serious flaw in this system is that early Windows could only physically attach 26 hard-drives, making the OS a poor choice for server work. Microsoft fixed the limitation years ago. I don’t recommend trying to understand how unless it’s your job.
UNIX took a different approach. Physical storage is ‘mounted’ on an ordinary directory (folder). The first drive is always mounted on / as the root. There is no limit to the number of drives that can be added, and the structure can be as complicated as required – discs mounted on other discs in a chain, for example. mount also allows different filesystems to be added, such as plugging in a USB memory stick normally starts a process that ends by mounting the stick as a folder in /dev/media, from where any program can read/write to it. (Permissions apart)
Running ‘mount’ on the command line shows my Ubuntu has 107 storage devices attached. Most of them are small filesystems temporarily in RAM for performance. The big boys are:
/dev/nvme0n1p5 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)
This is a partition on my SSD, mounted on / allowing read-write. In the event of an error, this disc is mounted read-only, so the problem can be debugged. It contains Linux.
/dev/nvme0n1p1 on /boot/efi type vfat(rw,relatime,fmask=0077,dmask=0077,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
This is another partition on the SSD that contains Windows. Although Linux has read-write access to the entire Windows file-system, I don’t recommend writing to it routinely. Microsoft are secretive about how their file-system works, and have been known to change it without telling anyone. Reading is safe.
/dev/nvme1n1p1 on /home type ext4 (rw,relatime)
Yet another SSD partition, it contains LInux user files.
/dev/sda2 on /home/dave/BackupOnly type ext4 (rw,relatime)
/dev/sda1 on /home/dave/Pictures type ext4 (rw,relatime)
These two are a magnetic hard-drive, mounted as two separate partitions. sda2 stores backups. sda1 stores video, photos and other bulky files where fast read-write isn’t required, and I don’t want them cluttering up my SSD. Note the magnetic drive extends my particular users disc space by being mounted in /home/dave on the SSD.
All being well ordinary users never have to worry about mount, or the Windows equivalent, because both are either set up automatically or by an admin. Rarely goes wrong, but can get nasty if it does; might even have to RTFM!
Do you dismantle car engines for fun or only drive to the shops? Another plus for Linux is being good for anyone who wants to learn about how computers and operating systems work rather just being an application user. Buy a RaspberryPi and play with it’s internals! If the poor thing gets bricked, order is easily restored by replacing the ISO. Replacing a broken Windows or Linux OS on a main computer full of real work is harder! Best not to mess with a main system OS or it’s filesystem unless you know what’s what.