MEW renewal problems


MEW renewal problems

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    Bob Rodgerson

      Despite numerous efforts the payment website refuses to let me pay for my subscription,always at the last hurdle I press the proceed to payment option and it keeps returning me to the same page but gives no reason as to why.

      I have looked everywhere on that page to see if I have failed to tick any boxes such as a terms and conditions box but can't see any.

      Is this just a problem for Apple users (for instance when you hit the enter button with an Apple macbook the cursor returns to the top left of the page. This is damned annoying but has been this way for years). Or is there a problem with the My Time site?

      Edited By Bob Rodgerson on 19/09/2018 09:09:32

      Bob Rodgerson
        Neil Wyatt

          Hello Bob,

          Are you using ?

          It may be quicker to call customer service on 01604 828 748 and they should be able to get you sorted.


          Joseph Reichert

            I am a MEW subscriber in the United States, and am a bit confused

            about how to renew my subscription. (My current subscription expires

            on 21.04.2019. I initiated my subscription to MEW in April of 2018.

            At that time, I understood that I could not subscribe by mailing a check

            drawn on a U.S. bank to the UK, and I resolved the problem by means

            of a telephone conference with one of MEW's sales reps in Britain.

            But I have now received a renewal bill via Royal Mail, at my residence in

            New Mexico, which invites me to renew by mailing a check in the sum of

            53.15 (UK currency) to MEW's Northhampton office.

            Should I mail in a check drawn on my local bank for a the U.S. dollar

            equivalent of in British pounds, as per the prevailing exchange rate?

            If that is not the correct procedure, what should I do.

            (By the way, I find MEW to be an outstanding publication, and I find something

            of use in every issue. Thus the tender care I take with my renewal.)

            Edited By Joseph Reichert on 20/02/2019 06:16:29


              Checks? I vaguely remember those things. Been a long time though. I don't know of a local business here in Australia that would still accept one. And one from overseas in a foreign currency? Not likely.

              I renew my MEW from Australia using credit card via clicking on the "Renew Now" icon on the top right of this forum page. Seems to work ok.

              Edited By Hopper on 20/02/2019 08:13:37

              Neil Wyatt

                Hello Joseph,

                Thanks for the kind words about MEW.

                I don't think we can accept a standard cheque drawn ona US bank; there used to be International Money Orders and other ways to do this, but. The simplest way to pay is online with a debit or credit card, but we can also take these payments over the phone, you can set this to auto renew.

                If you go to you can set up a separate secure account (with a new password and your subscription number) that will allow you to manage you subscription including making and managing card payments.

                If you are still unsure, please email me at with details of your subscription. I will get someone to contact you with a solution.



                John Buckley 5

                  Good afternoon Neil,

                  Has the telephone number for subscriptions been changed? When I try and ring the number shown in your postings ends up with a recording telling me the number is no longer available.



                  Tamworth NSW Australia


                    John, I have just tried it and got the recorded message to say it was closed at the moment as out of hours.

                    If you look at the contacts page it gives times it will be open as well as the international dialing code.

                    I.M. OUTAHERE

                      I just renewed my subs and as usual it let me get to the final part where i click the renew icon and it shoots back a message the we don’t deliver to that part of the world which is strange considering my subs are digital only ! I tried the rest of the world setting , i tried setting it for the U.K but to no avail it just wouldn’t let me pay for my subs . In the end i filled out the delivery address with a lot of the letter X and it accepted it ! Seriously it needs to be fixed as i get this every time i renew my subs and surely they can sort out the section for delivery with the digital only subs as there is no delivery . In the end i got a good laugh out of it as this is the only magazine that i know of that tells you when your subscription is due but won’t take your money ! 😁

                      Neil Wyatt
                        Posted by XD 351 on 24/08/2019 08:00:21:

                        I just renewed my subs and as usual it let me get to the final part where i click the renew icon and it shoots back a message the we don’t deliver to that part of the world which is strange considering my subs are digital only ! I tried the rest of the world setting , i tried setting it for the U.K but to no avail it just wouldn’t let me pay for my subs . In the end i filled out the delivery address with a lot of the letter X and it accepted it ! Seriously it needs to be fixed as i get this every time i renew my subs and surely they can sort out the section for delivery with the digital only subs as there is no delivery . In the end i got a good laugh out of it as this is the only magazine that i know of that tells you when your subscription is due but won’t take your money ! 😁


                        I think it is possibly because of not selecting 'rest of world' right at the beginning; rather than at checkout.

                        Doesn't help that it remembers an earlier choice…

                        I'll report this again.


                        I.M. OUTAHERE

                          Nup went through the whole lot step by step each time and the only thing that changed was the amount of subscriptions i wanted to buy which i had to edit so it didn’t try to charge me twice for one subscription.

                          This is the biggest PIA of a subscription to renew that i have ever encountered !

                          Whats the bet on clicking the auto renewal icon going through faultlessly ? I reckon they would have that set up so it works properly and once they have your CC details stopping your subs would be an ordeal !

                          Edited By XD 351 on 25/08/2019 08:24:41

                          Downunder Dave

                            Hi I am a newby,

                            I am trying to buy a subscription (digital) for the magazine and like others above encountered this "do not supply to your part of the world" message.

                            Please tell me what the fix is,


                            Gold Coast Australia

                            Neil Wyatt
                              Posted by David Healey 2 on 13/11/2019 21:34:42:

                              Hi I am a newby,

                              I am trying to buy a subscription (digital) for the magazine and like others above encountered this "do not supply to your part of the world" message.

                              Please tell me what the fix is,


                              Gold Coast Australia

                              Hi Dave,

                              It is critical to select 'REST OF WORLD' at the very first stage.

                              I just went through the system with made up details and an Australian address and got to the payment part with no problems.


                              I.M. OUTAHERE

                                That is as far as i got ! Click the pay now thingy and it spits back a message that we don’t deliver there or supply there .

                                I think i will go the auto renew so next time I don’t need to think about it ! It would be nice though if i could log into my account and check a box for auto renewal or uncheck it if i wanted to go back to manual renewal but it appears this can only be done when i fill out the subscription form and want to renew my subs .

                                With my internet security  account i can log in anytime i want and change this and they simply notify me  a few weeks before that my subscription will be automatically renewed on this date and this is how much that will be debited from my debit card  – super easy to manage and they even send me a message if my card is about to expire so i can update my details .

                                I think the biggest problem with cheque’s is that by the time they get to their destination the exchange rate has changed so what you send isn’t worth the same a week later !
                                What about Paypal or the like ? Surely that would have to be easier for us overseas subscribers ?


                                Edited By XD 351 on 15/11/2019 01:31:06

                                Downunder Dave

                                  Newby Dave,

                                  Thanks Neil,

                                  I managed to get it done on my ipad , the desktop was still not letting me complete the transaction. I was putting the “ Rest of the world” in the box too.

                                  Go figure, computers can be wonderful help with knowledge but also a total PIA at times.

                                  Looking forward to getting your magazine


                                  Dave downunder.

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