MEW, ME, RCM&E and Model Boats under new ownership.


MEW, ME, RCM&E and Model Boats under new ownership.

Home Forums Model Engineer & Workshop MEW, ME, RCM&E and Model Boats under new ownership.

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    Neil Wyatt

      MyTime Media Ltd announces the sale of four of its brands to Mortons Media Group Ltd with immediate effect.

      The brands are, RCM&E, Model Boats, Model Engineer and Model Engineers’ Workshop. The magazines will continue to be led by their existing editors.

      “We have owned these magazines for over 15 years but with our business focus changing within the group, we have concluded that the titles’ future plans are best served by new ownership where there is portfolio scale to benefit and add value to these titles,” said Owen Davies, MyTime Media’s Chief Executive.

      “I’m very confident that Mortons Media with their long-term approach to publishing is a good home for the staff and the titles; Mortons are passionate about magazines, and already publish other magazines which these titles will complement.”

      Ian Fisher, Mortons’ Chairman said he was looking forward to bringing the four magazines within the company’s wide-ranging portfolio of titles, and that it was a ‘good fit’ for Mortons Media Group, which already publishes many market leading brands as well as numerous bookazines and books within the special interest sector.

      “Our team here is very much looking forward to working with everyone on these new titles and providing quality products for our readers. Each of the new titles brings something slightly different to our group, and we are very excited at the opportunities they will provide us."

      Readers of the magazines can be reassured that no sudden changes are planned to the magazines or the forum and that their subscriptions will continue as normal.


      Neil Wyatt

        Announcement today.


          That could be good news. Mortons have been a major force in motorcycle and classic motorcycle publishing for as long as I can remember. Their mags are top notch and their archives go back to the days of the first motorcycles. Plus they do heritage railway mags too. So should be a good fit for model engineering. And a good stable, longterm publisher in the field too, which in this day of dwindling print markets is reassuring.

          The bike enthusiasts on here will be familiar with Mortons' products such as The Classic Motorcycle, Classic Mechanics, Classic Racer, Old Bike Mart, Real Classic, plus a slew of modern bike mags such as Motorcycle Sport and Leisure, Back STreet Heroes, Island Racer and more. So, good company for ME and MEW to keep.


          Edited By Hopper on 04/04/2022 13:08:53

          Ex contributor

            That could be good news.


            Mortons appear to have taken good care of the motorcycle titles they have taken over & they make extensive use of archives as Hopper said, both to supplement articles in the mags and produce targeted "specials".

            They also make their motorcycle titles (and a couple of years of back issues) available on the Readly subscription service – hopefully ME & MEW will follow & join EIM on Readly.

            Nigel B

            Mike Poole

              I haven’t been a regular reader of motorcycle mags for a few years but it seems Morton’s have acquired many of my old favourites. My loft was creaking under a collection going back to the ‘70s until I started chatting to a chap in WH Smith, he was interested in collecting them and he called round with a Landrover which was handy as they would fill a reasonable estate car. I have a significant collection of ME and MEW and MEW is still growing. It would be good if a Model Engineering show could be restarted but of course the Meridienne shows have become established and to me they are finding it more difficult to fill the trade stands, Ketan took the time and trouble to explain how a modern business is disrupted by shows so time to put on our thinking caps to put on an event.



                +1 for Mortons

                John Haine

                  Do they operate any online fora like this? Maybe we might see some improvements to bring it up to date.

                  Ex contributor

                    It would be good if a Model Engineering show could be restarted

                    Mortons have their own events subsidiary :

                    Mortons Media Group Ltd. owns and operates over 30 shows and events across the UK catering for a range of enthusiast audiences. From classic bike shows and classic car shows shows to autojumbles and off-road motorcycles; we entertain over a million people every year.

                    So a Model Engineering show / event may happen if they feel they can make something out of it ?

                    Nigel B.

                    David-Clark 1

                      Interesting. I read EIM on Readly as well as Garden Rail and a few others. My eyes are too bad for printed copies anymore.

                      I think I saw MEW on kindle but did not get around to reading it.

                      Perhaps I rejoined the forum at the right time.

                      This forum is custom designed so I can’t see Morton’s changing it any time soon.

                      Graham Titman

                        Hi Neil what will happen about the archive and for subscribers being able to access the archive and back issues will that stay the same?

                        Frances IoM

                          I see the security certificate has changed and triggered my browser – I understood one of the problems in getting rid of the damn’d smilies was they were essential for other sites – I guess now they can be got rid of,

                          Michael Gilligan
                            Posted by Frances IoM on 04/04/2022 18:49:01:
                            I understood one of the problems in getting rid of the damn'd smilies was they were essential for other sites – I guess now they can be got rid of,


                            We live in hope


                            David-Clark 1

                              I have been thinking about this bearing in mind I knew the net profit up till the end when I edited both magazines. Virtually all the sublets have stopped advertising which mast have bean a huge drip in profits.

                              It would be interesting to know the figures now. Especially with the complaints about MEW issue 300,

                              You don’t sell a business making that amount of money if it is making a profit like it was. lt will be interesting to see if the publishing schedule remains the same? Or maybe they will combine both magazines, bad idea, two distinct demographics, or refuse Model Engineer to 13 times a year, again a bad idea.

                              I suspect sales will increase especially in news agents because of the reach of the motorbike readership. I expect Neil will be publishing more motorbike articles (tools) in the future.

                              Long term they may decide to go digital only which would be a pain when you want to refer to a drawing in the workshop.

                              Oh well, we will have to wait and see.


                                You probably don't often stray down there but at the bottom of the page are a number of links to magazine sites not included in the above change. So what about them???

                                John McNamara

                                  Hi All
                                  A quick ramble from a grey haired machinist.

                                  A spring clean in the UK with a new broom, maybe a good thing, Model engineering or as I prefer to call it DIY Home shop machining is changing. Like it or not Automation is coming. While there will always be traditional hand guided precision toolmaker level machine work. CNC Automation is here to stay.

                                  I have always wondered why ME and MEW focussed so heavily on Hand work. There must be a balance. The magazines need to increase their readership in order to prosper. MEW needs to change. They must embrace new technology. CNC Machining, CNC Plasma cutting, 3D printing, CNC routing . Essential for the up and coming around 30 something younger readers.

                                  Once you get over the shock of new tech you will find that all the hand skills learnt over a lifetime are not lost at all, they are needed to run that new fangled CNC widget. You are still dealing with different materials, cutting tools, feeds and speeds etc.

                                  Before I press the send button on this and no doubt ruffle many feathers, a bit, but not, like the new duckling as painted in Alfred Noyes poem, please take the time to consider where our special hobby is heading?

                                  Tn this case the duck needs to survive just like the magazines. Change is a good thing if it is balanced.


                                  A while back I posted in the MEW forum under "DIY Epoxy Frame based CNC mill" Regrettably not finished due to life's pressures, I will get back to it as soon as my new home workshop shed is built. Waiting on the council approval, fingers crossed it is soon.

                                  This thread alone has had over 62,000 views on this forum and counting. 62K views shows there is genuine interest in CNC from this forums viewers in this sort of machine build.

                                  Old School

                                    For me this is good news I have an interest in all the magazines, but their is not enough content in any of them that interests me to get me to buy them. I hope they get put on Readly.


                                      Well I'm in agreement with John Mc particularly where MEW is concerned and would like to see it cover more of the up to date technologies and wouldn't this be an ideal time to think about the title to put the emphasis into WORKSHOP and try to draw in those who buy or make their machines to support other hobbies like vehicle restoration and building RC Models, etc. Maybe now that Editor Neil is getting his workshop back up and running we may even get to see his CNC making some chips and featured in the mag.

                                      I also get the German equivalent of our two titles MiM and they have a lot more on CNC mills & Routers, CAD, CAM, 3D printing and so on even publishing specials on these subject on a regular basis. It certainly has a big following and as John says ME and MEW are a bit behind the times and stuck in the mud.

                                      I was a bit disappointed to read here the other day that we may be getting a new series on setting up a lathe based on a Myford and a new one at that. Chances of many newcomers being able to start with a NEW Myford are slim and most will be buying far eastern machines that do need a bit of a different approach to get the best out of them. Not least using metric as anyone coming into the hobby now is likely to have been brought up working in metric from school age.

                                      We also had a similar series based around a Myford only a couple of years ago, maybe time for a bit more variety and aiming articles at what many readers and potential readers can relate to. There is still a place for Myfords and other old iron in the mags as many still like that and if the restoration of that rusty dog could be featured that would be more suitable as it will be dealing with issued anyone buying an old used lathe may be faced with though hopefully not quite as extreme.

                                      There is also the usual thing that assumes those buying a new machine want to make tooling so these series all seem to have the beginner making tools. Today it seems many have the means to just go out and buy what they want for relatively reasonable sums and get on with using the machine to make their bits for their motor bike, RC crawler truck, or whatever which is what they are actually interested in and the lathe and for many a mill is just another power tool used to make something.


                                      Michael Gilligan
                                        Posted by JasonB on 05/04/2022 08:12:36:

                                        Well I'm in agreement with John Mc particularly where MEW is concerned and would like to see it cover more of the up to date technologies and wouldn't this be an ideal time to think about the title to put the emphasis into WORKSHOP


                                        Amen to that ^^^


                                        Ex contributor

                                          ….. ME and MEW are a bit behind the times and stuck in the mud.

                                          ….. the lathe and for many a mill is just another power tool used to make something.

                                          Heresy !

                                          Nigel B.


                                            MEW used to feature a lot more CNC material some years. back. I know a number of people who let their subscriptions lapse as a result. Seems there are plenty of Luddites left in the world of heritage engineering, whether it be making model steam engines or restoring vintage vehicles, who prefer the heritage work methods over hi-tech. So it's all a matter of balance, which I think Neil as editor manages well.

                                            Having to count myself among the Luddites, I am looking forward to the proposed article on the new- in-the-box Myford. What a gem! With Morton's focus on classic motorcycle mags, I wouldn't expect it to be the last of such coverage either.

                                            But of course, for the under-30s, using the latest hi-tech computer gear to make models of 19th Century primitive steam engines might just be the ultimate hipster irony!


                                              Agree wholeheartedly with John McNamara and Jason. New owner, new ideas, lets move into the 21st century. Just because we are, perhaps, modelling an 18th century machine doesn't mean we should use 18th century techniques.

                                              I would like more perhaps on 3D printing in relation to both making items but also as to jigs and tooling to aid the production process. Printing metals can be done commercially how about developing this in the home workshop.

                                              I would also support a change of name for MEW to promote the wider home workshop ethic. Not everyone builds models but there are plenty of people using machine tools with a vast range of interests.

                                              New owner, new name, new era!



                                                I think the idea there is to use the cachet of the Model Engineer name on the Workshop magazine.Being that they just paid a lot of money (presumeably!) for the ME name, they probably will want to continue to capitalise on that name. They could have started their own Workshop or Homeshop or Back Shed Heroes magazine without having to pay to buy the name. But you never know. Certainly will be watching developments with interest.

                                                As restoring old machine tools such as Myfords etc is a growing hobby, with weekend scraping workshops etc becoming popular, I wonder if there will be scope for a Classic Workshop Machinery magazine?

                                                  Posted by Hopper on 05/04/2022 09:29:10:

                                                  MEW used to feature a lot more CNC material some years. back. I know a number of people who let their subscriptions lapse as a result. Seems there are plenty of Luddites left………………..

                                                  Yes, no doubt put off by a page full of G-code to do something that would take a couple of minutes on a manual machine, certainly put me off the idea. However now I have seen the light and can happily produce parts on my CNC without even writing a single line of G-code maybe it is time to show others that modern CAM does a lot of the work for you these days.

                                                  Who knows we may even get a change of forum software that will allow for attachments of things like .stp and .stl files, combine that with authors running a concurrent thread on the forum as the likes of Luker and I do then no need to waste a page of the mag with boring code, just load it to the forum.

                                                  In a similar vein it would be nice to get more threads running to go with articles that can contain additional info and photos rather than bulk out what's in the mag with things like large photos of padlocks and hinges which I seem to remember went down as well as 4 pages of car restoration in MEW300 . Also allows subscribers to raise queries about articles in the mag and encourages discusion.

                                                  David-Clark 1

                                                    Replies to many posts above.

                                                    Yes, I have offered a series about a new Myford Ml19 lathe to Model Engineer. It will start off with setting up the lathe and obtaining tooling. Mostly purchased but some home made.

                                                    The reason it is an Ml10 is because that is what I purchased. I was very lucky to find a brand new one on EBay at a bargain price. (£1,000.) I will probably spend another £500 tooling it up. Life is to short to spend making tools although I do enjoy it.

                                                    It would probably have cost as much to buy and tool up a Chinese lathe but I would have ended up with an inferior machine.

                                                    For Model Engineer articles I hope to design and build steam engines, hit and miss gas engines, 16mm Garden railway locomotives, rolling stock and other typical Model Engineer projects.

                                                    The title of the magazine is Model Engineer, not Model Steam Locomotives.

                                                    When Model Engineers’ Workshop started, most of the tool making articles were dropped from Model Engineer and put into Workshop.

                                                    Workshop covers all sorts of workshop activities including CNC and CAD CAM. Some long term readers my remember John Pace’s CNC cutter grinder which was game changing at the time but we don’t really need another version. The same with CNC machines and 3D printed. We only need one definitive design for each type.

                                                    Where Workshop should be concentrating is on programming and design of things to make. Also, machining methods, speeds and feeds need to be covered because you cannot do CNC machining without work holding, and other knowledge.

                                                    The big problem is getting people to write articles instead of complaining about the quality of articles that are being published. This is true for both magazines.


                                                      Yes it would be nice to get a bit more variation in subject matter in ME rather than the large proportion given over to Locos. Plus more new designs rather than repeating the same old subjects from the same old designs and castings.

                                                      And as you say keep the workshop subjects for the workshop mag rather than the mix ME has gone back to.

                                                      I suppose you could also say we only need one setting up a lathe, rear tool post, VFD, etc article too. But there are quite a few options for the would be CNC owner from articles about tuning up the basic 3040 routers, building gantry type router or ATC spindle equiped machines through converting manual mills and updating older CNC with upto date electronics not to mention buying new or building from scratch such as John Mc

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