And the contents photo page references don’t tie up, either! One too many sherries, perhaps. I was delighted to find, however, that the 36 page Mortons advert tacked on the end of the digital issue in Pocketmags was absent from the printed edition when it plopped through the letterbox this morning.
The photos on the contents page tie up with the page they appear on. Not where the article containing them starts.
That explains it, Jason. It’s just that it’s not what I’ve come to expect. Perhaps the layout designer has altered. I’m finding it harder to cope with change, the older I become.
Graham I have advocated the reversion to the single title as always was – Model Engineer, for many years ! As a subscriber when MEW was started I felt short changed – and fell for it, I stuck to MEW till issue 300, which was a very poor show and the straw that broke the camels back for me. That there are rumours about, and possibly circumstantial evidence to indicate some truth in the tale. Times change and in an effort to keep the printed word alive this would be a good move and ME to cover the range of titles it used to. Noel.
I’m going to move any posts about the changes to the new thread so please wait until then if possible as it is going to be hard for anyone to keep track of multiple threads.