It’s a pity the new forum doesn’t clock reads, or provide like/dislike buttons because makes it hard to judge if a topic is popular or not.
I read many topics without commenting, including Ian’s opening post in this one. Kept silent because there was nothing in Ian’s mild complaint about the words ‘universal’ and ‘your’ for me. On this occasion I’m afraid Ian didn’t pass my ‘so what test’ . Nothing personal.
Are ME and MEW going downhill? Probably not. The mags arrive through my letterbox with a mix of articles. Some interest me highly, others don’t. Occasionally all the articles in an issue leave me cold, and equally rarely one arrives chock full of hot stuff. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Fortunately I don’t expect either magazine to cater exclusively for my interests, which I’m sure would bore the pants off everyone else. On average both magazines contain enough to keep me entertained, which is why I still subscribe.
As for Jason’s reply: I think he’s commenting on the article not Ian’s post. Jason read the article and, like me, decided it wasn’t worth a comment in this topic.