Posted by Frances IoM on 22/01/2021 13:58:07:
to close this saga and illustrate the disconnect between sections of MTM i have just received a nominally couriered copy of #300 the paperwork states delivered to DHP at 14:41 on the 19th Jan and arrived via Royal Mail on 22nd – however I had emailed Beth on 16th stating that not having had any communication from MTM I had bought the sole copy in Smiths – so now I have 2 copies, no explanation of why my subscription was suspended and a rather jaundiced view about MTM
Or could it be a combination of there being a weekend between the 16th & 19th and the fact many of the MTM staff work part time so she or the next person down the line may not have looked at e-mail on Monday 18th.
Though Neil's two posts above do seem to show some disconnect in one section
Edited By JasonB on 09/02/2021 11:20:50