MEW 246 and ME 4543 Paper magazines delivery


MEW 246 and ME 4543 Paper magazines delivery

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  • #255960
    Ketan Swali

      This thread only refers to distribution of printed paper copies of MEW 246 and ME 4543.

      I received my paper subscription copy of MEW 246 on Wednesday last week – 7th September 2016. This is the one with the picture of Georg Schlesinger on the front cover.

      I received my paper subscription copy of ME 4543 today – Thursday 15th September 2016. This is the one with the picture of London Transport Bus on the front cover.

      Our Arc Euro Trade catalogue no.10 has been supplied with both of these issues.

      The reasons for this thread is to find out if subscribers have received their copies of MEW 246. For ME subscribers, I am hoping that most of you will receive your copies of ME 4543 by this weekend / early next week. We would like to make sure that Royal Mail distribution is working as it should, and that you have received our catalogue.

      If you are paper copy subscriber and if you have failed to receive a copy of either of these two issues, please post your comment on here.

      MEW 246 should already be available from your usual WH Smiths with our catalogue, and with ME4543 at WH Smiths by the weekend / early next week.

      Overseas subscribers should get them in due course.

      Our catalogue will also be available to order shortly from our website.

      Any feedback on delivery will be very much appreciated.

      Ketan at ARC.

      Ketan Swali
        Peter G. Shaw

          Received MEW246 (Subscription paper copy) last week along with catalogue No. 10.

          Roderick Jenkins

            ME just come through the door so have 2 copies of the catalogue now smiley

            Nice to see the Portuguese files in the cat – no sign of a dead smooth (4 cut) hand type file though which I would certainly buy. Also have to continue my search for a set of affordable stub drillssad



            Michael Gilligan


              MEW 246, and your Catalogue, received O.K. yes


              John Coates

                Hi Ketan

                MEW246 and ARC catalogue received in Scunthorpe

                thumbs up



                  Postie just handed me 2543 as I was putting my engines in the boot to take to MEX


                  Ketan Swali

                    Thank you all for acknowledging receipt.

                    Rod… delay in shipment from Tome at present.

                    You can blame JS for – no sign of a dead smooth (4 cut).. . It isn't part of of their 'standard' product offering. It is available under the 'Special Files' – Hand Finishing Files – see page 40 of our catalogue for the type.. I think. What length were you after.. 250mm/300mm? might be able to add it on if they haven't finished final packing of the main order..

                    Ketan at ARC.



                    Edited By Ketan Swali on 15/09/2016 12:48:35

                    Roderick Jenkins

                      250mm would be lovely. I see it's described as for use on the lathe surprise




                        4543 arrived a few moments ago with Arc catalogue which I must admit is quite impressive. Still waiting for 4542 to appear though sad


                          I got MEW246 last week, and ME4543 a few minutes ago, both with ARC catalogue. It's a pity the high speed spindles don't appear in it. And the smaller of the two high speed spindles seems to have disappeared from the website? Pity, as I was planning to buy one at some point for my CNC mill.


                          Ketan Swali

                            Yes Rod… somewhere in time I guess someone asked them to make it for the purpose. I am guessing it has something different in the way of use/characteristics which makes it different for use on lathe…. it costs more than the 'standard' hand files.

                            Baz…thanks…I hope they sort out the ME 4542 distribution for your area. What is the postcode for your area if you dont mind me asking?… The reason I raised this thread was I had similar concerns for the issues with which our catalogue has been sent.

                            Andrew… poor demand for the price. If you call and speak with Ian, he might be able to sort something out for you ex-display.

                            Ketan at ARC.


                              No problem with MEW with Catalogue 10, but no sign of ME4542 or 4543 yet. I'm in BA2 if that's of interest.

                              Good Catalogue by the way – it's already had me doing some spending.


                              Ketan Swali

                                Thanks for the information Dave. It is useful for monitoring purpose.

                                Glad you like the catalogue.

                                Will be grateful if you post on here once you receive ME..with issue number received.

                                Ketan at ARC.


                                  Received both with catalogue so have two copies, IP21



                                    I have received both, each with your Arc catalogue. MEW246 last week and ME4543 this morning. I am still waiting for ME4542 which I am expecting before next Monday.

                                    JA (Bristol area)


                                      Received MEW246 last Saturday. Excellent catalogue Ketan, lots of tempting goodies!

                                      Still waiting for ME4542 and 4543 though.


                                      Ketan Swali

                                        Thank you for your advice guys..

                                        Davidk, if possible and if you don't mind, could I request you to advise the first three or four digits of your postcode?

                                        As I am monitoring failures, it will help me to keep track.

                                        Thanks, Ketan at ARC.


                                          Ketan, My postcode is RG22 Basingstoke. Well impressed with your service, Tuesday night when I got in from the club meeting was an email from you saying something I wanted had just come back in stock, I ordered it from you Wednesday morning and got a one hour timed delivery slot for today. Excellent service!

                                          Ketan Swali

                                            Thanks for your postcode, and your custom Baz. I am hopeful that this thread will help MTM too to map areas of concern for Royal Mail delivery, with hope to see a patern, once failures by postcode are logged.

                                            Ketan at ARC.

                                            Ketan Swali

                                              Hey Rod,

                                              Had an update from Tome. They will add the Cut 4 – 250mm long – 'Special' Hand files to the shipment.

                                              Will add this cut to our website, and you will be able to order it once in…hopefully within two to three weeks.

                                              Ketan at ARC.

                                              Reg Rossiter

                                                I've received both with catalogues in DL15


                                                Roderick Jenkins
                                                  Posted by Ketan Swali on 15/09/2016 17:12:33:

                                                  Hey Rod,

                                                  Had an update from Tome. They will add the Cut 4 – 250mm long – 'Special' Hand files to the shipment.

                                                  Will add this cut to our website, and you will be able to order it once in…hopefully within two to three weeks.

                                                  Ketan at ARC.


                                                  jimmy b

                                                    MEW246 and ARC cat 10 arrived last week, CV13.

                                                    Looking forward to getting "222" QCTP wink

                                                    Neil Wyatt

                                                      Received ME4543 today, with cat.


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