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  • #97302
    Flying Fifer

      Got a bit of a fright this morning when friendly postman gave me a package with MEW 195 printed on the label!! Where`s 194 I thought, haven`t seen that yet. Fortunately it was in the bag.

      Excellent article by Ramon on anodising sums up the earlier thread here beautifully. Well done Ramon, with the spondulics from the mag you`ll be able to buy some more material for your next engine!! What about a twice size Amco 3.5 ??? Dark grey body with a red head would give you more oportunity to use your anodising kit.

      Regards Alan

      Flying Fifer
        Steve Garnett
          Posted by Flying Fifer on 28/08/2012 20:27:13:

          Got a bit of a fright this morning when friendly postman gave me a package with MEW 195 printed on the label!! Where`s 194 I thought, haven`t seen that yet. Fortunately it was in the bag.

          Yeah, labeling machine's just getting a bit enthusiastic… seems to be the correct issue no. on the mag though.

          Michael Gilligan

            David Clark did explain this, back in 2009 … see this thread.

            Wow … the Search Box on the home-page works quite well.


            Flying Fifer

              "David Clark did explain this, back in 2009"

              You mean he knew then that this was going happen ?? Wow … with foresight like that he should be in No.10.

              Michael Gilligan

                Nice one!

                David Clark 13

                  If I was in No 10, the country would be a lot different than it is now. For a starter, all able bodied unemployed would have to attend some sort of meeting in a football stadium or large hall for 35 hours a week. Then see them sign off because they can't go to work.

                  regards David


                    That's not fair David……..I don't like football.

                    David Clark 13

                      If they did not kick the ball they would not have to run after it.

                      Any large contained area would do.

                      Not the Olympic stadium though, we must all be sick of that.

                      regards David

                      Steve Garnett
                        Posted by David Clark 1 on 29/08/2012 10:03:31:

                        Not the Olympic stadium though, we must all be sick of that.

                        I'll tell you later. SWMBO managed to score some tickets for the Paralympic opening ceremony, so I'm having to spend the evening finding out first-hand…

                        Ramon Wilson

                          Hi Alan, glad someone likes it smiley – thanks for the endorsement.

                          I guess you'd be talking about the BB 3.5 – now that would be a challenge to get that case out of solid. Don't know if you are aware but designer Ted Martin did a barstock 3.2 version the make up of which was described in Model Airplane News. There's good coverage of it over on MEN here (Hope this link works)

                          I never owned a BB but did the longer cased PB with a green head – theres some (rather a lot actually) history of Amco engines on MEN too – just go to Amco 3.5 BB in the engine finder – but be prepared for the time to disappearwink

                          Regards – Ramon

                          Ramon Wilson

                            Looks like I got that wrong – try this one **LINK**

                            Can anyone explain how you link the URL to a word in the text please


                            Ramon Wilson

                              Ah! I can see there is no need – I take it this way eliminates 'the long URL making the text disappear under the adverts' problem


                              Michael Gilligan


                                If you prefer to hyperlink your text …

                                First copy the URL to your clipboard

                                Select the word, then click the Hyperlink icon  [now affectionately known as the BubbleCar, thanks to David Littlewood]

                                Then just paste the URL into the box in the pop-up. < etc. >




                                Edited By Michael Gilligan on 29/08/2012 12:03:39

                                Joseph Ramon

                                  Great article Ramon,


                                  David Littlewood
                                    Posted by Michael Gilligan on 29/08/2012 12:00:39:

                                    Select the word, then click the Hyperlink icon [now affectionately known as the BubbleCar, thanks to David Littlewood]


                                    Michael – not me, unless I did it in my sleep sometime!


                                    Michael Gilligan


                                      Sincere apologies for my slip of the digits.

                                      I should have credited Norman [NJH]



                                        Good article Ramon. I do a lot of anodising and would like to add a comment or two.

                                        Unless I missed it you don't seem to mention the safety tank.

                                        This consists of a gallon of water into which is dumped 1/2lb sodium bicarb. Any problems with parts/ flesh etc coming into contact then a plunge into the bicarb tank neutralises in a few seconds. This tank comes out first and goes back last.

                                        When it comes to the dyeing of the parts it all depends on two things,

                                        1 The correct length of time in the anodising tank; minimum of 1 hour at 15v, longer is better. you will know when as the current will drop to low level as the surface becomes electrically non conductive.

                                        2 The correct temperature of the dye tank. Assuming that professional dyes are used, ( £10 – £12 for enough to last a very long time. my tank has done several thousand parts and I have only used 1/2 the dye powder.) The temperature should be held very close to 55 deg C. At 60deg the anodised surface will start to seal. Dyeing will take about 30 seconds. Then into the water tank at any temperature over 70 C for at least 1 hr. There will be only a very slight leakage of dye.

                                        As you say Anodising is a straightforward process that responds very well to order and method.

                                        If anyone is interested then I can put up some pics of the holders I use. Simple to make but a bit expensive on Titanium. BUT well worth it. No lost contact.

                                        Hope this adds to your article.


                                        Ramon Wilson

                                          Hullo Ray, it's been a while..

                                          On behalf of other readers thanks for the pointer on the safety tank, something I use but have totally overlooked to mention. Mine is just another one of those plastic tubs cheaply and easily sourced – 3 for a quid at Tescos I think – and filled with tap water for dropping anything in that gets contaminated but it's a good point about the bicarb and will use that next time.

                                          Dyeing so far has been somewhat unscientific – carried out initially at room temperature as well as recently, standing the container in the hot water previously used for degreasing. There did not appear to be a great difference between the two – but that was using writing ink as the dye which does have an incredibly short take up time. It's interesting to hear that the surface will begin to seal at 60 deg – so far all sealing has been done in steam at what must be considerably more if not quite a 100 but for a much shorter time – 15 to 20 mins

                                          Can you say where you get your powder dye from and more importantly the correct type of dye. After the lack of success with the Dylon I did look into other powdered forms but did not find anything specific to anodising – at a reasonable cost (£10 -12 is fine).

                                          For others I can't remember if I mentioned it in the article but titanium welding wire is usually available off Ebay – ideal for hangers

                                          Thanks for the hyperlink info Michael I think I have the gist of it now.

                                          Thanks for your remarks Joseph and yours too Ray but would just like to add this is all well and good but as yet I have to see the issue of MEW – I don't subscribe so will have to wait until it's in the newsagent. crook

                                          Regards – Ramon


                                          Edited By Ramon Wilson on 29/08/2012 23:02:08

                                          Flying Fifer

                                            Hi Ramon,

                                            No need for thanks, your article was much appreciated. If you ever did think about a twice or even 21/2 times BB I`ve got a 2 foot length of 4" dia HE30 in one of the cuminandy boxes??? I`ve also got a bust original crankcase from when I collided with a brick in the long grass. Well it wasn`t me that collided with the brick it was my Frog Aerobat. It survived the collision but the Amco needed a new crankcase. When the new one arrived it was completely different from the smashed one. Made from different material & looking more like the PB Amco one. All the parts fitted though so it lived to fly another day. Must have been about 60 years ago now. Still got it & it still runs but the neighbours complain about the noise. Don`t know why its music to my ears.


                                            Sub Mandrel

                                              Thanks for the anodising article Ramon.

                                              I fitted my CL300M mini lathe with an old hoover fractional, just like the one in the letter of warning. I have seen plenty of rubber wire go that way, athough that in my motor appears fine. Even so, I will replace it all with PVC coated over the winter, whiles it's still easy to see what goes where.




                                                +1 for the "excellent article" comments Ramon (not to mention the excellent workmanship – I had 3 x ETA 15s at one time and not one of them looked as good as yours – all we want now is a Ken Long model and away we go – bring back the good old days)!

                                                And issue 194/5 had some other excellent stuff in it too – I'm certainly pleased with my decision to subscribe to MEW.

                                                Krgds & thanks to all concerned


                                                Ramon Wilson

                                                  Hi AES

                                                  If, and it is a big if, I get the Mk 3 and the Elites underway it was my intention that if the 'spare' case comes out okay to make a lightened version and build a Tigress scaled to the same as the engine to put it in but, as said, it is a big if wink

                                                  Frog Aerobat, now that conjures up some fond memories Alan, though I never built one I had the plan for years with the intention of doing so – even bought a nice read headed Frog 2.49BB for it but like so many others it never materialised and I guess now never will.

                                                  This morning I looked for the MEW in the newsagents. To see the Eta staring at me, though not quite a surprise as someone had phoned me before, was still however a very nice feeling. I had no idea this was David's intention so that was a surprise and a very nice one too. Thank you for all your kind comments of approval – I'm sure I would be speaking for many contributors if I said that to get feedback like this makes sitting down and taking the time to write something all the more worthwhile.

                                                  Regards for now – Ramon

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