G Code consists of a text file full of numbers, fortunately there are only 10 of them 0 to 9, the average careful person has 10 digits on their hands so it’s not that hard, Anyone not that careful need to take their shoes and socks off

Seriously though no matter how big the code is it can be split into three part, beginning, middle and end.
All is written by the computer and if the Post Processor file is setup correctly for your machine then it should be automatic.
The first part basically sets the machine up, normally the first line has a multitude of code that basically puts the machine into neutral, no offsets, no spindle etc, usually called the safety line.
After this it sets the tool being used, spindle speed [ if applicable ] feed rate and starts the program.
It’s really only this part you need to be able to read as this is where it starts off from at what rate and revs and how deep.
The middle bit is just way points that tells it the next point to move to.
The last bit is basically the park up bit, stop spindle, coolant rewind the program and make the tool go to a safe place, again written by the computer and once it’s done this routine once and you are happy with it then basically forget it.
So to recap it’s only the first 10 lines or so that matter and you soon come to be able to spot an error by osmosis.
I have lost count how many people I have trained and believe me most get it within half a day, no-one has taken more than a day. Not saying they will never make a mistake but at least they will know what to do when they spot the mistake.
John S.