Incidently, whilst I haven’t looked at the idea in any great detail, just suppose, the mains plugs and sockets used for the drill were wired the opposite way round to normal, ie the socket wired to the drill. This would mean that it was impossible to connect such a drill directly to the mains, would it not?
Peter G. Shaw
… and it would leave the pins connected to the battery exposed to landing on anything metal. If you haven’t tried shorting out a 12v battery with low internal resistance, you should give it a go! (although by the sounds of it you already have…)
Years ago I watched somebody trying to decide which car battery he needed for his car, and he announced that he was going to measure the sizes of them with a tape measure. Before anybody could stop him, he tried it on the first one (this was in a car accessory shop), straight across the terminals. About a foot of tape measure vaporised, he shot backwards and collided with the long stand of bits behind, sending the whole lot crashing to the ground. Complete chaos. Funniest thing I saw all week!
KWIL’s right. It’s not intelligence-based – stuff just happens. I don’t care if people blow themselves and electric drills to smithereens, but somebody else might. So warnings should be there for their sakes – not mine, yours or perhaps anybody else’s at all on this forum – it’s just a timely reminder that’s required, in an appropriate place.
The other thing to note is that putting a warning on tool instruction also provides a degree of protection against negligence claims – certainly in America. Ask Ryobi – they must reckon that it’s well worth it, certainly in Maryland. It got them out of a deal of trouble over machine guards. Since MEW is distributed in the US, not providing some sort of warning in an article that changes the use of an existing tool… well I don’t know what the actual situation would be over that, but I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of a no-win no-fee lawyer trying to find out, that’s for sure.
Edited By Steve Garnett on 18/03/2010 19:27:34