Nicky your image has not come out but I assume you have similar to this though there are a few WM250 variants.
The top chart is the fine feed chart with cuts along teh lathe shown first followed by finer cuts, below that are the metric pitches and then the imperial ones.
The group of circles is basically what you would see if you take the end cover off the lathe and look at it from the end. The top left circle is the fixed 40tooth gear on the spindle, then you have two pairs of gears Z1-4 on studs which can slide along the banjo and finaly gear L on the end of the lead screw.
You can now look down at the table and it shows what gears need to go in the Z1-4 positions as well as L to get the gear you need. AB&C are the position of the front lever eg one gear train will give 3 pitches. H on the chart means a spacer.
So for 1.5mm itch you need 63T and 80T on tehtop stud with teh 80T nearest the headstock, then 80T and 60T on the next stud with 60T nearest the headstock and finally a spacer and the 50T gear on the lead screw with 50T nearest the headstock and select lever position A. The studs can slide on teh banjo to mesh the gears correctly and the banjo also pivots around the leadscrew to adjust mesh with the fixed 40T spindle gear. You should have two 80T gears.
You won't get an exact 1.5mm pitch using a 63T in the train but the resulting 1.477mm should do for most things.
Edited By JasonB on 15/06/2019 13:24:53