Meths (high proof alcohol) is unusual as it's one of the few fuels you can burn simply by putting a match to a pool of it.
The trangia burner is little more than a shoe-polish tin with an incurved lip. Mamod burners are just metal trays filled with mesh to reduce spillage.
You could just use a tray filled with wire wool connected to by a tube a fuel reservoir with a small bleed hole in the top. Disadvantage is it would be hard to arrange it so it uses all the fuel and the amount you can have will be in proportion to the depth of the burner tray.
Other downers are the problems of spillage – it gets everywhere and even a trace will burn long and hot (although nearly all the heat goes up) and the lack of control – you might need some sort of damper. All in all I'd look at another fuel source for a remote or automatically controlled boiler.