On a warm, sticky, Saturday afternoon in Melbourne, too warm for my garage `workshop’, it passed through my mind that some of you would relish a go at the following :-
Being of the unqualified ilk in issues of tribology (ie. the science and engineering of interacting surfaces in relative motion), I have often pondered over the relationship between soft and hard materials. Controversially, at least for those of us who have observed certain symptoms of wear, we are led to believe (superficially), that the softer material is the more likely to wear.
Yet there are a myriad of examples where this appears opposite.
For example, (starting in the bathroom) – at the gum-line across my top incisors, there are grooves where toothbrush bristles have been rubbed to excess well before I learned about circular movement. Professionals of the dental kind usually advise us to use a soft toothbrush. As engineers, we know from experience that there’s trouble afoot with that concept. 
In another example, this time in the workshop, holes and other surfaces in (say) steel, are generally lapped using a softer metal such as brass. I was privy to tests with a motor mower which, for some reason, showed that plastic gears survived the environmental onslaught much longer than the metal gears they meshed with.
The engine of my first mode of (powered) transport was a Cyclemaster, installed into the rear wheel of a bicycle. Unfortunately, the previous owner had failed to properly replace one of the circlips intended to hold the gudgeon pin central inside the piston. Several parts had become damaged when the circlip came adrift and buried itself into the side of the piston. What surprised me was that the old (hardened) gudgeon pin was significantly worn away where the bronze, little-end bearing made contact with the pin during use. From memory, the one-sided wear pattern on the pin was at least 0.5mm deep. Even more surprising was that a new gudgeon pin fitted perfectly into the original little-end bush made of bronze.
In other words, the softer bush showed no obvious signs of wear, yet the gudgeon needed to be replaced.
I’m fairly convinced that I know most of the answers, but only from experience, not from a tribology standpoint.
What are your views?
Edited By Sam Stones on 04/12/2010 02:07:30