Hi guys, thanks for this. Although a perennial question I have also noticed that there is some development in opinions and experience, even on Youtube.
I posted that vinegar works, but slowly and its prone to flash rusting afterwards, so ok if there is a bottle in the cupboard and you want a modest job done now.
A lot of people love Evaporust for chucks and bits of lathe where you want a good cosmetic finish afterwards and minimal flash rusting. I have two chucks and a face plate that come under that group so expect some feedback.
I suspect that the superior acidic products are for small applications, Jenolite (phosphoric-type acid jelly) is very expensive indeed, OK for spots on cars.
Citric acid is affordable for big items, I will try it on some pitted and big saws I inherited where the propensity to etch is not so important.
Electrolysis works wonders on fiddly stuff like lock mechanisms but won't penetrate deep rust, e.g. surfaces rusted together.
So my collection of hand tools and spanners will probably be done in citric acid or an electrolysis bath.
Edited By Roger Best on 20/02/2022 16:17:54