I don't want to start another thread but equally I dont want to make this one any longer. I do want to make a suggestion though. Lets give David and Mark a break!
Instead of the forum members adding more and more details of every problem we encounter, why dont we give David and Mark a chance to make a clear statement on whether we are going to have repairs and improvements done or not.. If they are going to be fixed, then the problems reported so far are more than enough for them to cope with without dozens more being added.
Both David and Mark have already replied to some posts but I cannot honestly say that what they have said so far make sense.
I do not know whether Mark ever read this forum before this latest debacle but I think it is encumbent on him now to read and absorb all the posts in this particular topic, then either come up with a plan of action or just tell us in plain english where to go.
Although I cannot find his profile, I see that Mark has posted some pictures in an album here, they have however defied all my attempst to find and view them.
Ian P
Edited By Ian P on 18/02/2012 17:41:54