I'm now confused (very easily done!) by some of the comments re ads covering thread text.
Some threads have the ads down the right hand side but leave all the thread text free to read, and some threads have ads that cover the far right of the text.
And can you do anything about it, like move the ads to enable the text to be read?
And if not, why is this problem which has been there intermittently for quite some time not been fixed so it NEVER happens rather than being 'fixed' when someone spots it HAS happened?
Just for the record, I am on an iMAC using Snow Leopard OS and Safari browser, rather than the usual Microsoft/IE browser stuff (was going to say rubbish but stuff sounds better!)
ps. "Weldability of various steels" is a thread which currently has ads over the right hand edge of the text
Edited By ChrisH on 18/02/2012 00:06:00
Edited By ChrisH on 18/02/2012 00:06:35