Posted by Saskatoon Model Engineering Society on 04/08/2015 17:18:53:
Posted by John Stevenson on 04/08/2015 11:01:17:
Personally more of these lathes like the Winfield, Pooles, Randa, Zyto and Sooper Adept need saving to prove to the world that we also made crap.
If this was Facebook I would click "LIKE" all over that statement!!!!
I've had a couple of the old "crap" types over the years for referb. One looked promising until I found that the seller had covered a crack in the headstock bearing area with thick dirty black grease. I didn't have to pay anything like the sums these lathes fetch on ebay these days. I did think of taking the other one to work and reboring the bearings for sleeves however I didn't fancy doing the work that was needed to get shut of the wear in the bed.
My impression of both is that once upon a time they were capable of doing decent work and that they hadn't been left sitting around doing nothing. Well worn out is how I would put it. The 2nd one had another interesting aspect. Bearings shot but a decent sized cut that made the motor hum and an even feed produced a pretty good finish. Talking to some older people who would have been around when some of these lathes wear made that's down to the cast iron they used. Pretty low tensile stuff. These days I think they do use much higher tensile cast iron to achieve some level of strength and keep the weight down. Great for vibrations but usually ok providing there is rather a lot of it = bigger lathes. The softer stuff wears more easily.
New or old – don't know really. I looked at the ME10A that's in classified recently. It looked like bed wear causes a taper on shorter lengths. Might not further out where the bed is less used. Answer – some time spent setting the compound to turn true for when that is needed. Actually the way the lathe was set up I would guess that is how the deceased owner used it for making engines. Buy a new Chinese lathe that doesn't turn the taper? Pass. I don't like messing with gears to change feed as the feed needed for best finish varies so it's a case of what particular people favour. It has a gearbox so I would probably go for that. The lathe does show signs of use, more than my older ME10 so of no interest to me. It does need a few things sorting out – at least it would for me.
Not something for Ketan to think about as I don't think he offers a similar lathe – when buying warco though it can be more of a case of take your pick.
I am gob smacked by what people will pay for really old small dovetail bed lathes. The prices larger one fetch has it's amusing aspects too. Once worn it doesn't really matter who made them and some of the names sell for a lot less than others and may even be ok just like the popular ones may be.
I nearly put a bid in on an elderly Rivett on ebay recently. One with a fair few bits that went for very little. I reckon the design concept is flawed but parts of me want to see if it's any good and can be sorted out. I saw sense in the end and didn't.
If it was any one on here and they give up do get in touch – I might be seriously tempted. The other one with no bits and pieces wouldn't interest me at all.
I still can't help looking at many of these really old lathes.