Real progress at last. the new spindle with its bushes fitted:

And with them off. The finish is, as always, better than it looks in the photo, just a bit tatty at the transition from taper to the 1/22 section for the back gear. The front bearing locks solid with virtually no force, but 1/10th of a turn of the 20TPI thrust washer adjusters will move it 10 thou increasing clearance by 1.4 thou, so realistically I will be able to adjust the clearance to a fraction of a thou. The rear bearing is reamed with a H6 3/8" reamer. After polishing the journal is somewhere around .3747 to .3748 and feels like a very nice precision fit with no rattle – probably the best bearing to journal fit I've managed to date. I've got high hopes of success, as long as I can bore the headstock accurately in line. Yes the outer diameters were turned at the same setting as the bores, and I bored the rear bearing true before reaming.
Left with a bit of PB in the chuck reamed 1/2" (so I could test the taper in situ), ready to make bushes for the pulley.
The screw thread on the tail is a bit overlength, should be plenty of room between the bearings for pulley, back-gear and thrust bearing on the thread. Still juggling these trying to decide the best arrangement.
Came up with a good tip today – when boring a taper socket and you need to move the tool right out of the way, use the screwcutting indicator to ensure you put the saddle back in exactly the right place for the next cut. make sure you use the handwheel to take up any backlash, though.