Meek screwcutting clutch – Fortis/Clausing


Meek screwcutting clutch – Fortis/Clausing

Home Forums Manual machine tools Meek screwcutting clutch – Fortis/Clausing

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      A bit of a hail Mary here I’m afraid. In continuing to populate my long list of projects, I came across this 10 year old discussion at Home-Machinist.

      I wonder if Gray @grahammeek88282 you can shed some light into whether that collaboration with COMachinist got any further than the “preliminary mockup with the measurements” posted on that other thread?

      The reason for asking – I’ve a Fortis lathe, which is essentially a Clausing 100 MK3, so naturally would prefer to get hands on the most developed drawings possible to ensure the inevitable errors are my machining (in)ability rather than my design inability!

      Graham Meek

        Hello Colin,

        I must admit you did catch me out there for a moment. I was uncertain as to whether I had actually done a Design of Screwcutting Clutch for this lathe.

        Luckily the drawings are still on the computer file, despite two computer and one drawing package change.

        As regards to whether this design was ever finished I cannot say. Some of those who start out wanting to fit a clutch to their machines fall by the wayside and lose interest. You will realise that this then stops any feedback from the participant(s) and I no longer know if it worked. My memory problems also do not help on this front.

        That said, without seeming to be Big Headed, the high number of clutches that I have designed to date, have all worked as intended. The last and final one being for my Emco Compact 5.

        I have all the drawings in DWG format, can you handle this Format? If not I could convert them to PDF but this will take a while.




          Thank you Gray. No intention at all of catching you out, and I am very impressed the drawing have survived those changes. Most of my files barely make it through a single change of computer, never mind two and a package change!

          DWG format is absolutely fine – if I can’t open it already, I can definitely work out how to do so.

          One question – what is the licensing on your drawings/designs? Just so I am aware in case anyone else in possession of the same/similar lathe wishes to follow the same path.

          Graham Meek

            Hello Colin

            I have sent you a PM with my email details.



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