Errr – Jeff Dayman has a HUGE sense of humour. Lets get the facts straight.
– Canada is cold, frigid, and one is prone to get mauled by bears, cougars, or even worse. By "cougars" I don't mean "slightly older single females", I mean the 4-pawed variety.
– Plumbing is not like in Britain; getting frozen to the toilet seat in the outhouse is a common occurrence, and is one that reduces both kitchen and workshop productivity greatly.
– The modern electric light only works when electricity works (and, your house has been wired for "the electric light"![]()
– Everyone's related to everyone else. My brother-in-law Jeff (not my other brother -in-law Jeff, I mean the one who is a Model Engineer) has the typical "if you are on a sinking ship, make a joke" sense of humour. I Ignore him.
– Model Engineering is a lost cause. Everybody is taught metric measurements, but ALL material comes from the USA and metric is just not possible. Overheard a millennial telling another that "a letter Q drill is what Q says to James Bond in the movies when he touches all the neat gadgets".
– the post delivery system is by horseback. Makes walking on the roads (dirt, or corduroy log roads) difficult.
– there are incredibly few 5" gauge tracks around; (can think of 3 at the moment) a couple more 7-1/4 tracks, but these are mainly in the (frozen) east side of Canada.
So, nope, not worth even thinking about visiting or moving to Canada.