ME/MEW Subscription Delivery to Australia


ME/MEW Subscription Delivery to Australia

Home Forums Subscription issues and Digital magazines ME/MEW Subscription Delivery to Australia

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  • #741676
    Tony Watson 3

      Are any other Australian ME/MEW subscribers having delivery difficulties? My observations have been that the My Hobby Store management of these through an Australian agent were a bit hit-and-miss, particularly toward the end of their stewardship.  The Mortons takeover seemed to have resolved the problems by the use of Swedish postage – resulting in deliveries about 10 days after UK sale dates.  However, in their wisdom, and possibly for reasons of cost, Mortons have chosen to again use an Australian agent.  My experience to date has been at least two missed deliveries of ME, over a month between UK sale date and receipt, and nothing for the last five weeks.  One missed delivery was made good from head office by (costly to them) Priority Royal Mail after I had a bleat.  Clearly, my continuing along these lines may be counter productive to all concerned. Perhaps other unsatisfied Australian subscribers might like to take up their grievances with Mortons?  As an aside, I’ve noticed that deliveries of these titles to local newsagents seem also to be suffering.  I suspect that Mortons have taken up with the same dodgy Australian distribution agents used by My Hobby Store.

      All this remains independent of the declining standard of content in ME and MEW – a subject which has been dealt with elsewhere in this forum. Disappointment at both levels!


        I gave up on getting MEW delivered to Cairns. So erratic and so many problems over the years. Went digital instead, from an independent supplier (my local library, who pay royalties to Mortons for the useage).

        Newsagents? They have all closed down in the suburbs around here. The one or two left in the town centre have become gift shops with a very small rack of magazines in the far rear corner where you have to walk through all their gift displays to get there. They seem to make their money off selling lottery tickets at the front counter. Certainly no longer magazines and newspapers. They all stopped getting ME and MEW years ago, well before Covid, which seemed to bring the final death of most newsagents.

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