Posted by thomas moss on 12/04/2011 22:03:26:
Hi new member to the internet part of things, how on earth do you search for archived material ie an article name? Nothing seems to work. You can get the whole magazine but if you are not sure which magazine, how do you get access to information? Tom
Hi Thomas,
As far as I know there is no facility to search the magazine archive on this forum

, (I would be please to be proved wrong on that). Really professional eh!.
I suggest that you use this
searchable index find the article and issue, then come back to the archive and access the article you need. A bit convoluted, but this forum is based on a very simple piece of software which we are apparently stuck with as it is used for all the other titles of the publisher and the advertising supersedes all. Never mind

Best regards
Edited By Terryd on 12/04/2011 23:06:11