I have a message for Roger – I hope he is still reading this story
I suspect that the Field Marshal is going to be a real problem to get running nicely. This is because its working depends on the shape and size of the exhaust system. As the exhaust port opens, the rush of gas is intended to overshoot, rather – drawing fresh air into the pipe as the 'bang' reaches the narrowing at the far end. This causes a reflection of a pulse back towards the engine, and this pushes the fresh air back into the cylinder, just in time to be trapped by the exhaust port closing, improving the compression and turbulence, for more power. This process needs to be 'timed' with the engine rpm, of course. But the timing of pressure reflection in the pipe depends on the length of the pipe. So a half-sized pipe on a half-sized model will need to rev at twice the RPM to work properly. So, your tick-over will not sound anything like the low beat of the original. If you can get it to work at all …
If I can help explain further, please send me a Private Message and I will do my best.
Regards, Tim