As an aside, the length of the hole (s ) in the nozzle will affect the spray angle.
Since a model will probably not be expected to run at Full Load Rated Speed for long periods, if at all, one can probably be a little more lax over needle lift and sac volumes,
For the prototype machine, i would have expected Injector breaking pressure to be of the order of 65 – 70 bar
It was only in the late 30s that pressures reached the 120 – 130 bar level (Atmospheres actually, at the time)
Eventually pressures crept up through 180 Ats to 210 as Injection pumps and injector manufacturing techniques improved. (We expected a Leyland 0600 to be marginally better with CAV injectors.than with Leyland ones, probably based on slightly better lapped fits, leakage rates and tighter tolerances.
Since leakage is subject to pressure and time, higher pressures will increase leakage, both in the pump and the injector nozzle (Leakage is one of the features which checked in full size products ) In a model it will be difficult to better the lapped fits of the conventional products, But with 90 years of manufacturing experience and development. modern materials and technique. may allow that.
To produce scale models of F I E which function is no mean feat anyway.
Good on yer, chaps!