Over the years I have seen more and more onerous restrictions placed on people, restrictions which I for one resent. Refusing to supply me with a service just because I have changed my computer is one step too far. What business is it of anyone, not just Ebay, of which computer I use? Next stop, I will need to apply to some Ministry or other to obtain permission to do just that.
In fact, more and more, when I read of people who really should know better by now getting duped, then I tend towards thinking that perhaps it serves them right, perhaps they will now take more care. The problem is that we, the general, law-abiding, public, are having more and more restrictions placed upon us, more and more "nanny knows best" because of this. Why on earth shouldn't people be expected to look out for themselves, and not be expected to kow-tow to all and sundry under the so-called guise of security.
Quite how they know it's not the same computer, I do not know – I take care to eliminate all cookies, history, etc as soon as the browser is being shut down so if "they", the magic "they", are doing something so that "they" know which computer I am using, then it is time this was brought into the open and people knew about it. I do not want people tracking me in this manner – next step China! It's all rather Orwellian.
I'm well aware that we, the GBP, are being surreptiously monitored, that there are cameras all over the place, on the roads, in towns and cities, and I don't like it. What business is it of anyone if I'm somewhere for an entirely legitimate reason? Why should other people know about my private business? It's got nothing to do with them. I've already made the point that I have had multiple computers for a number of years, I think about 15, so does that mean that Ebay, and possibly other people/groups, are monitoring all of them? I dread to think of how large their database must be if they have lists of the computer every person uses who accesses Ebay to buy something. At the current time I could use any one of three laptops. Are they to be expected to know about all three?
I also don't like the idea that my information is being held by an American company, and may therefore be available for American Nosey-Parkers to investigate me. Again, I have deep objections to this, but I put up with it in order to be able to do what I do, when I want to do it. Indeed, some years ago, I held shares in a British owned and run investment trust. Unfortunately, it was being run under the auspices of J.P.Morgan whose parent company was based in America. Eventually I received a W8-BEN (I think that's the designation) form to fill in declaring to the American IRS that I was a UK citizen etc. What business is it of the USA when I am holding shares in a UK based IT which I think was investing solely in the UK? I immediately took steps to remove any requirement to complete this form.
You know, if this trend continues, I could very well see me, and other people, reverting to telephone orders, or post, or even cash.
I'm sorry to go on like this, you've managed to hit a very sore point with me. I just don't see why I, and other law-abiding people, should be inconvenienced because some people are incapable of looking after their own affairs, and big business, to say nothing of a countries security services, think it acceptable to pry into a citizen's affairs.
Peter G. Shaw
Edited to add missing sentence.
Edited to add missing apostrophe
Edited By Peter G. Shaw on 16/07/2022 16:11:41